Topics / #bites


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46 posts

Bites: Confession time - I am a petty and small-minded individual.

Happy Tuesday watch-fam! Time to get vulnerable this week as I open up about the petty and miserly side of my watch collecting life. I had already bee...

Bites: Lets play a game - The truth serum is yours... Who do you give it to? What do you ask?

Happy Tuesday you awesome watch people! I hope everyone’s week has been treating them well since the last Bites. I’m curious to know what you think ab...

Bites: That one thing everyone should try at least once in their life?

Happy Tuesday Crunchers! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I’ve noticed that my YouTube feed seems to be filled with pretty negative videos rece...

Bites: The past and future of WC, 'The most beautiful watch in the world' and does WR count in beer?

Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm back from the family Easter break to Prague and looking forward to chatting with you all again, and its even more exciting...

Bites: A fake Rolex as a signal of success?

Happy Tuesday Crunchers! Today I want to talk about fake watches, symbols of success and why these little trinkets can mean so much to us, but there h...

Bites: Love, Death and Rolex: Why buying a Rolex could save your life!

I know, right! What on earth is going on in my head?? One minute I'm leading the resistance movement against over-consumption of watches, and in the v...

Bites: WTH?? This tournament has me seriously questioning things. UPDATE: TIMEFACTORS DROP THIS WEEKEND

Hello Crunchers! ***See 'Latest Watch Releases' for Timefactors Info*** I want to talk about how @AllTheWatches microbrand tournament has me seriously...

Bites: Are you the ULTIMATE watch collecting villain?

Hello fellow watch connoisseurs! So last week I told you you were all a fine bunch of ladies and gents, and this week I’m telling you you’re turning i...

Bites: 5 signs of the lady and gentleman enthusiast UPDATED: Timefactors release this weekend

Happy Tuesday Crunchers! *** See 'Latest Watches' Section for Timefactors Info *** So what on earth could I possibly teach you classy fellas and ladie...

Bites: This micro is doing what Rolex should be!

Hello fellow Crunchies! So what on earth is going on with todays banner picture? Why is that guy cutting a stick of molten steel with scissors and wha...