Topics / #backlight


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1 follower
9 posts

How much backlight ?

With my dw 290 ... More than i deserve! The illuminator on this watch is incredible. How much luminosity do you get from your watch ?

The King

I'm loving the dystopian sci-fi vibes here. This is my 7th Casio in the past month and a half, but to be fair I've been eyeing this one since Septembe...

Everyone here is so nice!

On the WatchUSeek forums I see a lot of people being dicks for no reason. But everyone here is so chill.  I'm wondering if maybe it's because everyone...

Skmei 1123

Better than the original? Skmei 1123. The only digital watch I've reviewed on the channel and it was over 2 years ago now. So, if you end up watching...