Changing the nature of my collection

I don't know if it's happening to you (or is happening), but right now I've found myself at a crossroads after my latest watch purchase.

I realised many years ago that I'm not into luxury watches, haute horology, or anything much outside of the history of my own existence. Some would say that's lamentable, but it's why I'm not into the real vintage watches or any of those watches that I've seen flexed for whatever reason their owner's flex them.

I also realised recently that I find a lot more amusement in this "hobby" of spending money on things I'll never use than I first anticipated. I honestly look at my boxes full of watches and laugh sometimes when asking myself, "What the hell did you buy that for?"

So, once again, I'm faced with culling the herd, and I can tell you now that it's far easier to add more watches than it is to get rid of the ones you already have.

Every time I pick a watch up to start the debate of whether it goes or not, I end up putting it on and liking it again, and it's hard, so very hard, to part with any of them.

I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a hoarder. It's not even collecting with any purpose, and I don't think it ever has been. It's random, haphazard, with no rhyme or reason, and every other synonym for the chaos I've created.

But where will I progress with my collection if I get rid of most of them? Luxury watches? Mid-range watches? More of the same?

I've toyed with the idea of only collecting green ones. I've also thought about only getting the most garish and horrendous watches possible. But once I've bought a few oversized Invictas and acid-trip inspired Swatches, I think I'd be done again, and deeply regretting it.

I'm not a "one watch guy". I couldn't do that. I think I need around 50-60 watches for my own mental comfort levels. And it's such a first world problem that it's ridiculous.

What to do, what to do? I have no idea. Maybe in the words of the Pontiff in his most hilarious collection review video, the question I should be asking myself is, "Do you even need a watch?" But I've already answered that, and yes, I do.

I need to know when the corner shop is open or about to close, when EastEnders is on the telly, and I need to time my pizzas manually because I can't work out how to do it on the cooker.

How many watches do I need to do that? Well, at least 50, I think, because I don't know which one I will feel like wearing on whatever day it is that I'm wearing it.

What would you do?

Serious, surreal, and stupidly funny answers only, please. No thread crapping, and no tangents. Let's get this Monster Thread badge done. 😜


I think the obvious thing to do is to get 50 more watches! Then you can get rid of 50 that you like the least and still have 50 nice watches.


Good luck to you. I have a similar problem. I have a bunch of watches I know I should sell, but then I look at them and decide I still like them.

I also go back and forth between wanting just a few really nice watches, or a whole pile of cheap watches. But at this point, I doubt I’ll ever only have a few.


I've got 39 watches an it still isn't enough 🤣


The way I see it is that if you had 300 watches, selecting from them the 50 that you really need should be a piece of cake.


Sheesh, I have just 8 and I've already dropped one from the collection. Usually if I don't give it consistent wrist time over a few months it goes. I've had a few watches I've loved, but for whatever reason they never got worn and they were sold as a result. To me I need to wear my watches, put mileage and memories on each piece so when I put one on I can get transported to different times in my life. Doesn't even have to be a milestone occasion, something as simple as reminding me of a cottage trip or a big task I completed while wearing it.


Crush them up and snort all of them and then start a new collection


Gotta great idea……… keep one watch, throw the rest away then buy some decent cardboard and paint whatever watch face you want on the cardboard and then stick them with bluetac to your watch! you can then have a vast range of watches that uses little space to store, you could even make a little storage for the various pools in your life 😂😉


Oh yeah, your collection looks awesome!


I have 104 watches and the collection continues to grow, albeit more slowly now as I've become more selective. I love perusing my collection - it's like being at a watch store where I can pick what I want and wear it anytime.

Right there with ya. 👍


Have you considered about forgoing all worldly accoutrements, forsake all things watches and living a naturalist lifestyle where watches do not matter? Just a thought. If nothing else its a way out.


You did ask for surreal !


Sir, we are not watch collectors or hoarders, but rather accumulators! Every time I look at reducing my modest collection, the same thought enters my brain… will the $20-100 that I’ll get for this watch change my life or make a significant dent in the price of the next one? The answer seems to always be “No”. So, I just keep adding 😂😂😂.


Have you considered about forgoing all worldly accoutrements, forsake all things watches and living a naturalist lifestyle where watches do not matter? Just a thought. If nothing else its a way out.


You did ask for surreal !

That's just sur-wrong!


"If" there is a problem here, the only one I can see is that if you are to continue eating pizzas that you have timed with your watch, you will need a lot more watches. Why would you want to time your next pizza with the SAME WATCH as the last pizza? When the last slice has been eaten, similarly, that watch needs to be retired from pizza timing duty. Next day - new pizza, new watch.


I can't believe after all the effort you put into that post, let alone bearing your soul.. and eating habits to us all, you only have 15 replies (erm, 16 now). It's a long road to that Monster Badge, my friend


Ps. I do hope, the header photograph is not your collection 😮

17 replies now 🤗

I demand laughing emojis in return.