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Unexpectedly meaningful

I had to put down my dog last Friday. As I was processing and dealing I realized that I was wearing the GW-M5610 when we had to put down our other dog...

A fun poll while I debate with myself

Happy Sunday folks! I fully recognize that this is not a problem. I’m fortunate to even ask this question - but which one? I have a choice of three watches. All three are around the same (good) price...
232 votes ·

RZE Endeavour - I’m diggin’ it 😀

A few weeks ago I got a chance to meet with Huiy of RZE Watches and got to check out their line of watches. I recently discovered how much I love tita...

Recent Comments

commented on Unexpectedly meaningful ·

Thank you ☺️ I appreciate it

commented on Unexpectedly meaningful ·

Thank you 🙂

commented on Unexpectedly meaningful ·

Sorry for your loss as well. It will definitely stay as a forever piece.

commented on Unexpectedly meaningful ·

Thank you 😊

commented on Unexpectedly meaningful ·


commented on Unexpectedly meaningful ·

Thank you

commented on Unexpectedly meaningful ·

Thank you

More posts

Always wear a watch!!!

A man was saved because of his watch. Always wear a watch. Always. In fact you should wear two watches as you have two wrists. After all, two is one a...

Difficult watches to photograph

I tried on my wife’s Swatch and decided to share it with the WC community. I’m sure if I had a proper set up it wouldn’t have been too bad, but I had...

As if astronauts aren’t badass enough 😃

I’m not sure if this is old news for people as I’ve heard this story albeit without this level of detail. I hope people enjoy it as much as I did!

How a Zero-Gravity Omega Watch Repair Revolutionized NASA’s Space Station Fixes

Flyback… titanium… drool

This is gorgeous! I got to try the steel version a few months ago and the 17mm (for me) was not an issue. I can’t wait to see this in person. I really...

Bulova has definitely caught my attention!

Generally, I’ve been neutral over Bulova since I started collecting watches. They piqued my interest with the Oceanographers when it was launched in 2...