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2 months ago
Prescott, AZ, USA
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commented on My latest pick up... ·

I probably wouldn't purchase it but I would definitely wear it if I had one.

commented on Checking out the Omega Boutique today. ·

I think instead of price ranges you should buy watches that you simply like. Obviously get what you can comfortably afford but there's no reason to stick to +1000 or always bargain watches.

commented on One of my favourite in the collection slowly building it up buying one watch every 2-3 years ·

I honestly think that's the right way to do it

commented on Crunchers Assemble! ·

The new Christopher Ward with the moon phase and all black dial with stars?

commented on TAG Heuer | I'll always recommend these ·

I don't really like modern tag heur they lean heavily on the fashion side of watches and I personally don't like that. I think that Tag is popular with people who want to seem important. Like a celebrity fashion statement and that is just not what they used to be. That's what I don't like, vintage tag is amazing but it just feels like they sold out a little bit recently. Now I understand why people still like them. They have great brand heritage and history. I get it. I just think that maybe there's a reason why some people are turned off by modern tag heur.

commented on One Year Gone ·

Awesome watch, awesome story.

commented on What would Jesus Wear? ·

I think he'd probably not wear one. He would sleep when he needed and awake when he naturally would. He did a lot of wondering and teaching. I don't think he lived in a way where he HAD to be somewhere at a certain time and thus had to know what time it was.