How to pronounce it?

Recently saw a video of Teddy Baldassarre when he visited the factory and learned a lot about this company to include only being more confused about how the name is properly pronounced.

In my naivete, (in my mind, thankfully I never said it out loud in mixed company) I had pronounced it Gla-Shoot.

Hearing Teddy, he sure seemed intent on carefully pronouncing it Gla-Shoe-Tay. Teddy said it slowly, carefully enunciating each syllable.

Hearing the guy from the factory say it as Gla-Shu (like Shove)-Duh. He said it quickly and had little emphasis on any particular syllable, maybe a little bit on the first. GlaShuDuh.

Ok Crunchers with vastly more experience than I have exhibited or care to reveal, chime in and let the rest of us know how to correctly navigate this brand's name.


Am I allowed to answer as a German?


Wait, it's not Glass-hutt (or glass-hutt-AH! for the germanophiles)?

Oh, does the umlaut mean a hard U sound? I thought it was just to look metal.


Am I allowed to answer as a German?

If it helps clear this up, yes.


If it helps clear this up, yes.

the problem is, that I think…how do I say that..: native english speakers can’t pronounce „Umlaute“ like „ü“


I'm so glad this doesn't come up in regular conversation, because in my head I've been saying "Glass-shoot"




I'm on camp "glaas-huut-eh"


Ah, there it is. Sounds quite similar to how the guy at the factory was saying it.


Between my wife and I, we just say Glass shoot. If it’s someone who might know better, I say Gla shoo tuh and try to do a non-native umlaut that I learned in German class.


I think it is pronounced "glaschutte original" 🤪


Ex-pen-sive...or ex-qui-site.

Depending on your POV.


It should be “glas-hoo-teh”. The vowel in “hoo” is close to the one in “shoot”.


Not a native German speaker, but lived right next to the border most of my life and speak it to a decent degree.

Languages are hard to describe, especially in text, and endlessly interesting to me.

Now I’ve said Glasshütte too many times, it doesn’t even seem real anymore..


As a german I try my best to explain it:


But it’s always funny to hear the YouTubers pronounce it like Gla-shoe-teh. 🤣 Maybe I should teach it that way until it is correct.


Not inexpensive is how it sounds to me 😉 It's sharp looking for sure


Also a german here: like the others said, the difficulty lies in the Umlaute 😅

I try to find English sound equivalents for the word:

Its made up from the word Glass and Hütte. Which means small house made of glass.

The word is said in three syllables: Glass - hü -

1. The closest pronunciation to the A in Glass in German that I could come up with is the U in Trump but said just a little bit longer.

2. The ü I feel comes closest to the sound of the vowels in „build“ but there is no real equivalent.

3. The „Te“ is just like in Teddy. Just don’t say the ddy part 😂 very short e.

So the sound melody should be something like Trump-build-te(ddy) but with other consonants.

The emphasis is on the second syllable, that’s why everyone sais “shoot” 😂

(which by the way is the sound of a “u” not „ü“)

I don’t know if that helps in any way, shape or form at all, but I love playing with language itself 😅

If you're going to pronounce the "Glashütte" as in German, then the "Original" should be pronounced germanically too.

Or just anglicise both.


Also a german here: like the others said, the difficulty lies in the Umlaute 😅

I try to find English sound equivalents for the word:

Its made up from the word Glass and Hütte. Which means small house made of glass.

The word is said in three syllables: Glass - hü -

1. The closest pronunciation to the A in Glass in German that I could come up with is the U in Trump but said just a little bit longer.

2. The ü I feel comes closest to the sound of the vowels in „build“ but there is no real equivalent.

3. The „Te“ is just like in Teddy. Just don’t say the ddy part 😂 very short e.

So the sound melody should be something like Trump-build-te(ddy) but with other consonants.

The emphasis is on the second syllable, that’s why everyone sais “shoot” 😂

(which by the way is the sound of a “u” not „ü“)

I don’t know if that helps in any way, shape or form at all, but I love playing with language itself 😅

But "build" is pronounced like "bild" /bɪld/.


There no sh. It’s a compound Glas-Hütte, so s-h as in “glass-hut,” which is in fact what it means. A as in father. E at the end is a schwa, ə, like a in sofa, or e as in problem, not “ey” as English long a. Ü is a high front rounded vowel. Say “ee” as in feet (a high front unrounded vowel). Without moving your tongue, round your lips, like “oo” in cool (a high back rounded vowel). Tongue in “ee” position (high front), lips in “oo” position (rounded), that’s an ü (it’s also a short vowel, but we won’t quibble). Stress on the first syllable.



It’s important to recognize the roots in German words.

· There you go, you can select between male and female voices.


As an Asian I want an attempt. Nah… I’m lying. Here you go.


Regarding the combination of Glas and Huette (no umlaut on my phone keyboard), the word really means glass-melting-factory. So, at some point there must have been such a factory in this place. And yes, no sh sound in this at all in German.


Yeah, I tried to teach US-students German phonetics years ago. I felt quite smug about it for a while, until a Swedish friend tried to teach me what I couldn't pronounce in Swedish.


OK, that was the easy part kids. Now how do you say "Original" correctly? :)