
178 Following
4 hrs ago
Charleston, SC
Parthicus Maximus
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Recent posts


Such a great day to be a gamemaster. I forgot to put @Stricko in my good list. I missed @tanookisuit_ty 's poem and had to carefully re-read my own ru...

The loved one, born of death

That is the literal translation of the name Aimee Thanatogenos, the female love interest in the 1965 American/British film The Loved One . It was base...

Why, oh why?

@foghorn asks why I hate you. Do I? Or is it a bit of fun directed at our overweening self-regard?
48 votes ·

Recent Comments

commented on Which one do you prefer? ·

The Super Seville homage is the obvious winner because it is the right size.

commented on Concerning WRUW posts, and changing watches during the day. ·

I never think to add the second (or third) into the WRUW.

commented on What your watch name ? ·

Using two Stripper Name Generators (one had an extensive personality quiz) the two names were: Typhoon Heatwave and Trey Down Under.

commented on What your watch name ? ·

Gruen Vulcain. It is better than my stripper name.

commented on 1940 Hamilton Curvex ·

Really very nice. 1940 Stanford?

commented on Anyone going down the fountain pen rabbithole too? ·

I don't have spreadsheets for pens (yet).

commented on Edge168n's WRUW ·

Yeah, the watch looks complete different. (Just kidding, it looks the same.)

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There is still time to get off of the hype train.

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Update, Rankings, Whatever...

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Recta? Damn Near Killed Her

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Performance Art and the Different Ways to Skin a Cat

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Save the date!

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A short note about a number (a 1WC prequel)

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