I love NATO Straps! Do you ever change the straps and bracelets on your watches?

I sometimes change the straps and bracelets on my watch to match a color scheme with the dial or because I don't like the original or because the bracelet or strap got damaged.

However, after I've gone with a strap modification I tend to leave it on that watch rarely changing them afterwards.

So do you...?

111 votes ·

I have one watch (my Baltic Aquascaphe) I change the straps/ bracelet out often, mostly depending on the weather and what I’m doing. My other watches, not so much.


How's this for a crazy nato?


I voted B, but I am really between A and B. Some of my watches have a dedicated after market strap while others get rotated through a few straps. For example, my original Islander/Urban Gentry Rangemaster has been on the same Barton Watch Bands strap since I got it, while my Vaer C3 Korean Field has four different straps between which I rotate. Only one or two in my collection remain on their original straps, and all but one of the bracelets got replaced.


How's this for a crazy nato?


That's thing is wild!


I have roughly 6 straps for ever watch. A watch can last a day before changing it, but the strap does well to last half that. ☺️


Oh goodness, I prolly have a watch enthusiasm and a strap addiction....lol.

Waaay too many TBH.

Dont really fit into one of the listed categories, maybe B?

Have two Haveston strap rolls filled to the brim, and a repurposed GoRuck pouch full, plus an IKEA white storage container, plus most of the steel bracelets in a different box.

Case in point, and this is a very teeny selection 🤏🏻🫣.


How's this for a crazy nato?


That’s too cool! The strap is lumed!


While not a wild color, how bout a strap cost the same or more than the watch head 😂!


Nato all the things!


Fall is NATO weather. Cold bracelets are not fun.


All the time. I like to buy 2-3 straps for each watch usually.


Depends on the watch. Some I keep on the same strap/bracelet. Others I do switch out. A quick change or quick release system is helpful.


I enjoy swapping straps. Much cheaper than buying a new watch.


Depends on the watch. Some I keep on the same strap/bracelet. Others I do switch out. A quick change or quick release system is helpful.

Yea, might have to invest in quick release bracelets or adaptors. 👍🏽


Nato all the things!


Fall is NATO weather. Cold bracelets are not fun.

I have over 40 watches and 9 are on NATO's, so I think might need to change things up.


Won't wear a NATO.

OEM bracelet

Marine National straps
