Do we read any more?

Rather than spam the WC feed with my endless and bearly watch related ramblings, I was wondering about creating my own blog.

But do people even still read blogs???

I admit that I'm more like to check out YouTube for watch content, but mainly because I don't know of any other decent watch blogs to explore.

I did try to do a search for 'watch blog' but all that seems to come up is A Blog to Watch and the other online magazines, and they tend to be very review focused.

Does anyone actually read blogs? Or know of any good watch related blogs that aren't solely focused on reviews or luxury brands?

Everyone is so ridiculously busy and pressed for time, do people ever really blogs read any more??


Have you heard of Substack? People are paying to read the really good ones.


This is just my personal taste, but I’ve never found a watch blog (or podcast, for that matter) that can hold my interest. I read a lot, so it’s not the text part that bores me. It’s that I have a hard time caring without seeing a watch in a dynamic setting.

I’d probably read a blog before I listen to another watch podcast, though. Listening to a watch podcast is like watching someone play jazz with the volume turned all the way down. It makes no sense to me.


I read the stuff in the #news section


I read the stuff in the #news section

I struggle to get excited by endless reviews, which is mostly what I see.

Maybe I need to be exploring more Fratello and Hodinkee articles. 🤔


This is just my personal taste, but I’ve never found a watch blog (or podcast, for that matter) that can hold my interest. I read a lot, so it’s not the text part that bores me. It’s that I have a hard time caring without seeing a watch in a dynamic setting.

I’d probably read a blog before I listen to another watch podcast, though. Listening to a watch podcast is like watching someone play jazz with the volume turned all the way down. It makes no sense to me.

I don't quite know what I'm after, but so much of the written word on watches is just reviews, and I find it a bit draining.

Plus it's like having an AA meeting at the pub when I'm trying to curb my watch spending.


Have you heard of Substack? People are paying to read the really good ones.

Not heard of that. I'll check it out 🍻


I think the blog has to be either purposeful, such a teaching something, etc. OR some kind of outlet for you to express yourself where you do not necessarily care about your « numbers ».

i.e. A colleague and I started one earlier this year in order to vulgarize video games studies for the masses and give insight about the use of the media for teaching/learning purposes. It has abysmal reading score and for the moment irregular postings, but at least if for some reason someone searches for those topics (in french), he/she might stumble about our blog, which we treat with the same "seriousness" as lower-tier academic articles (or scientific vulgarization articles).


I think the blog has to be either purposeful, such a teaching something, etc. OR some kind of outlet for you to express yourself where you do not necessarily care about your « numbers ».

i.e. A colleague and I started one earlier this year in order to vulgarize video games studies for the masses and give insight about the use of the media for teaching/learning purposes. It has abysmal reading score and for the moment irregular postings, but at least if for some reason someone searches for those topics (in french), he/she might stumble about our blog, which we treat with the same "seriousness" as lower-tier academic articles (or scientific vulgarization articles).

I don't think I'm at all savvy or talented enough to make any money out of it, so it would more just be a way to switch my mind off from the day job and relax through writing something I enjoy.

May I ask what you use to make your blog?

I've been looking at wordpress.


Unless there's a #1wc rule about not blogging 😆


Not exactly sure what a blog is tbh. Can't say I do pod casts, audio only doesn't appeal.

For me it's mostly here, YouTube or a couple groups on Farcebook


i think most of the wc member love reading like anything lol, would love to read your blog in the near future


Not exactly sure what a blog is tbh. Can't say I do pod casts, audio only doesn't appeal.

For me it's mostly here, YouTube or a couple groups on Farcebook

In my head a blog is just a collection of pieces of writing someone has produced 🤷‍♀ some make them educational, some use them as a diary.

Not sure what mine would be.

"Confessions of a watch collector who is trying to stop buying watches"

.... sounds like quite a niche audience I'd be going for 😆


i think most of the wc member love reading like anything lol, would love to read your blog in the near future

You are very kind.

I'm too shy to self promote, so I will know who my one page view a month is 😆


Only in the 🚽… but if your blog got meme’s and funny photos I might read for 5 seconds instead of 2 😜… I have a short attention span…


I don't read blogs but I am an avid book reader. Not ebooks tho, paper pages is a must.

I'm 100% with you on paper books.

I have never been interested in Ereaders.


I am currently looking at different blogging sites myself, as a reader. And I have to admit, the more I do, the more I appreciate WatchCrunch. Most sites feature either highly technical content, which is appreciated for what it is, but a lot is overly political, which impacts the exchange of ideas rather strongly. I'm sure a lot of the writer's motivation is based on the pressure to increase the number of reads, which leads to provocative titles and content.

The usual suspects, Medium, Wordpress, Substack were already mentioned ... so I have nothing to add regarding the blogging platform.

I can't find anything that really appeals in any watch blog, because they are all very heavily review focused on have the same kind of 'Top 5 best ever Speedy references', 'Best fleiger under £5000', 'Best black faced dive watches' posts. It's just not my thing now. It feels like a rehash of the same stuff.


I REALLY prefer reading when it comes to reviews. I might be biased since I write reviews (for knives) but I think video lacks depth a lot of the time.

I like seeing the watch in a video, but I do agree with you. I think maybe people don't go to the effort to describe in a video that they would if they were writing.


I want to write just as a creative outlet, so using chatgpt doesn't appeal, but if I was out to purely get traffic and footfall that would 100% be the way to go.

I don't know how professional content writers are going to make a living now chatgpt is here.


I do, and I’ll read yours.

I’m in the process of starting a blog myself haha.

What will you focus yours on do you think?

Will it be watch related?


I think what I may end up doing is creating a mixture of content and seeing what people seem to enjoy and engage with most.

I've never tried to tell someone else's story before, so that would be fun to try.


If you want to see which blog tools certain sites are using install the Wapalyzer extension for your choice of web browser then select the wapalyzer tool when you are on someone’s blog. It will show which tools they are using, possibly hosting service, and much more that you need not bother with unless you get serious about web development.


I can't find anything that really appeals in any watch blog, because they are all very heavily review focused on have the same kind of 'Top 5 best ever Speedy references', 'Best fleiger under £5000', 'Best black faced dive watches' posts. It's just not my thing now. It feels like a rehash of the same stuff.

This is more of less the "nature of the beast"because these types of headlines generate reads. So yes, that is a conundrum. Most of the detailed content is either on YouTube, especially in regard to instructions. Other discussions are mainly found in the few remaining forums.

I think this is a general problem, meaning that Web 2.0 truly has come to an end, and user-generated in-depth content is struggling to find a home, beyond the realm of short attention spans, which is social media.


If you want to see which blog tools certain sites are using install the Wapalyzer extension for your choice of web browser then select the wapalyzer tool when you are on someone’s blog. It will show which tools they are using, possibly hosting service, and much more that you need not bother with unless you get serious about web development.

Thanks for the info!

Time to go stalk some people's blogs 😁


I think being a good story teller is a really wonderful art, and certainly something I'd love to get better at.

I don't underestimate the talent involved in beautiful writing though, and think it will take me a great of practice!

I certainly believe you have it in you already. Your posts show that. You seem to love telling stories, one of which was the day you gave birth. So, for sure the format will be natural to you. Many on here will surely appreciate your stories, as well as the countless stories that fellow Crunchers can tell. One story I recently appreciated was the journey that @Fieldwalker took (together with this watches), as he allowed us to join him on his quest. There's just so much material to choose from. 😉


What will you focus yours on do you think?

Will it be watch related?

It will be/is watch related. However my goal is to have more of an adventure blog with a watch undertone, telling stories that relate to watches. Personally don’t have any safe queens, so to speak, I try to use my watches for their intended purpose, to an extent. I’ll do some reviews also, but my goal is to create content that’s a little different from other watch publications. I already have a website name, it’s just taking me a rather long time to set up the website 😅


It will be/is watch related. However my goal is to have more of an adventure blog with a watch undertone, telling stories that relate to watches. Personally don’t have any safe queens, so to speak, I try to use my watches for their intended purpose, to an extent. I’ll do some reviews also, but my goal is to create content that’s a little different from other watch publications. I already have a website name, it’s just taking me a rather long time to set up the website 😅

You'll have to share it with us when it's up and running 👍

I love that we can make a blog whatever we want.


It will be/is watch related. However my goal is to have more of an adventure blog with a watch undertone, telling stories that relate to watches. Personally don’t have any safe queens, so to speak, I try to use my watches for their intended purpose, to an extent. I’ll do some reviews also, but my goal is to create content that’s a little different from other watch publications. I already have a website name, it’s just taking me a rather long time to set up the website 😅

“No Safe Queens!”

Your blog has a name now 😉


It's tough because anything in regards with watches, I watch videos. Andrew Morgan/Watchfinder, Max's videos, Teddy Baldassarre, Jenni Elle, Just One More Watch, etc. It's just....idk....more engaging? Anything that's like a written blog post or a review, I skim through it.


every once in a great while I'll run into a good watchblog that's being run by some character, but those are far and few between, usually old and not updated. I think because watches are so visual it's harder for people to talk about them in a written format, they'll just make a video. I'm sure that making a good video is just as hard as making a good blog post, probably harder, but people don't interact the same way with that type of more static "content."

I like blogs, I recently resuscitated my own blog recently. It's not very watch centric, i barely mention watches. I was like 13 or 14 when I started my angelfire site, which I first used as a kind of portable favorites page, but then I morphed it into an almost daily blog until I got wind of websites that make the whole thing easier. I stopped for a while, because who wants to read my day to day shenanigans. I'll just write down my usual, "Woke up. Went to work. Morning coffee I made turned out good." in a good old fashioned notebook. But I still want to Post. Twitter's downturn is lame and Im not a big fan of other social media sites, so back to the blogs. I've been using wordpress for a good while now, it's good enough for my needs, although I have some some real slick websites made/powered by it. One of the reasons I like watchcrunch is because I can read it, I don't have to sit there watching a video.