Could you complete a wrist swap?


I just had rotator cuff surgery on my left shoulder.  I might be in a sling for up to 8 weeks.  (hopefully less)

I tried to wear my watches on my right wrist.  That only lasted a day.  Its just too uncomfortable.  Had me thinking....  How long would it take to make the switch permanent?  It feels so natural to wear a watch on my left wrist but so foreign on my right, regardless of weight, size or style.  

So, do you think you could make the switch?  How long would it take?  Talk amongst yourselves....    


They say it takes about two weeks to form a habit..


I would switch back regardless if I had gotten used to it. Makes sense to wear the watch on the non dominant hand (to me 😊).


If forced to probably...but it definitely feels strange...I'm one of those weird right wrist guys 😀


If I had to switch wrist I'd go with one of my cheap casios on the right, my usual bulky g shocks feel weird on my right wrist, even the square feels like there's something on my wrist. 


I fractured my left wrist after crashing my bike last summer and had a brace on for about a month. 
It was definitely awkward at first, especially the bracelets. swapped everything to softer nato until my right wrist got comfortable with the weight. not Sure if I ever got used to it but I forced my way through it lol


I just swapped my watch to my right wrist.... the watch feels HEAVIER! LOL 🤣 I normally like the feel of a heavy, stainless steel watch, but on my right wrist, my equalibrium feels challenged; it feels like I might start to wobble if I stood up from my chair! 🤣 I guess I could form the habit, given a few weeks time, but who would want to?

I think that were I in your position, I'd carry a pocket watch while the shoulder heals. 😎


I’m left handed and I wear my watches on my right wrist. Reading this post I quickly tried putting on the left wrist… I almost can’t do it. Even fastening the clasp on the bracelet with my right hand is tough! Then once it was on the left wrist it felt so out of place. It looked wrong, I don’t know a better word for it. Just wrong. I don’t think I have ever put a watch on my left wrist and it’s freaking me out now. That watch was on my left wrist for 45 seconds and it blew my mind. I don’t think I could swap unless I had to, like it sounds was the case here. 


I'm right handed so wear it on my right makes perfect sense to me ,also protects the crown 


I’m left handed. Wear watches on the left.

At the weekend I picked a watch up from repair so wore it on my right wrist as my normal watch was on my left. it felt totally normal - I might become a two watch dude..


I just swapped and can’t wait to switch back after posting this.  Feels like a wrist brace on my right wrist.


I had to switch for a few days while a tattoo healed.  It was weird.

Although not as weird as driving with only my left hand after surgery on my right wrist.  Steering with my right elbow while reaching across my body to shift with my left hand was bananas.


I’ve been taught to wear my watches on my left wrist as I’m right handed. If I was in your situation, I would wear it on my right wrist as weird as it would feel. I would feel naked if I don’t wear a watch at all and that would feel more awkward. YMMV


Ah...I'm a lefty so I'm used to wearing watches on my right wrist. Luckily I also trained myself to wear my watches on either wrist as needed. 

Luckily the size difference between my wrists is miniscule (just one notch on a strap).


Honestly doesn’t feel very different for me, apart from having to develop the habit to look right over left


I’m sorry to hear about the injury. Wearing watches on your right hand is  a bit like wearing swim trunks when showering.


Years ago I broke my wrist snowboarding and had to switch for a while.  It was weird but I got used to it, try some different watch options some work better than others while you are getting used to it.  More annoying was the shocking discovery my wrists are not the same size, this caused an issue with the bracelets because I had to resize them!


I'd rather just go without and use my phone as a pocket watch.


I'd rather just go without and use my phone as a pocket watch.

No! Leave the phone be! 🤣 It's an excuse to buy a pocket watch! 😜


I'm right handed but always wore my watch on my right wrist. Sometime last year I decided that since i was buying nicer watches ( a Hamilton at the time) that I should wear my watch "correctly". This meant on my left wrist above my wrist bone. It took about a week, but I got used to it. I can still wear a watch on my right, but below my wrist bone. It's weird. When you switch wrists, you my have to adjust where on your wrist you wear your watch. 


I think what doesn't help is that my right wrist is bigger than my left.  So bracelets are out cause I neither want to nor can I physically (for now)adjust them.


Trying this today 
