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1 month ago
7.25” / 18.42 cm Wrist
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Recent posts

My twenty-second watch

I’d been on again/off again with the Seagull 1963 for quite some time. Christmas came this year and I finally decided Santa should bring me one. My on...

My twenty-first watch

I basically jumped on the Islander Bayport (ISL-119) as soon as Marc posted the video for them. It struck me I wanted another tool watch with a black...

My twentieth watch

I’ve wanted a Squale 1521 since I first got into watches. For whatever reason, I never jumped on one until now. I’m glad I did, though - it’s a gorgeo...

My nineteenth watch

For whatever reason, I wasn’t into sector dials. But I really like the RZE Fortitude. I got lucky and apparently managed to snag the last white dial o...

My eighteenth watch

I loved the Fortis F-41 & F-39 as soon as I saw them. And I’ve been wanting a Flieger-y watch for a while. Then the midnight blue versions came ou...

My seventeenth watch

I was intrigued by the Arnie when I saw it, but not enough to consider getting one. Then, like a big dork, I saw the hands move in a smooth sweep to m...

My sixteenth watch

So far, it’s been rare for me to have more than one of a “smaller” brand. But I keep lusting a bit for Zelos watches. Santa brought me this one and it...

My fifteenth watch

At this point, you may be wondering what my new watch per month rate is and…it’s embarrassing. So, to make a feeble attempt at being cheaper - and als...

My fourteenth watch

I really liked the idea of having a Hamilton. They have plenty of horological history and I love at least some of their designs. I held off for a whil...

My thirteenth watch

This is my first expensive watch and definitely one of the pride and joys of my collection. I was certain I had to have a Sinn. They have a bunch of g...