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3 hours ago
8.00” / 20.32 cm Wrist
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Q: How did you get into watch collecting?

My father always had a collection. Once I graduated high school, he got my my very first mechanical watch!

Q: What was the first watch you ever owned?

No clue what my original watch was, as I've always worn a watch Maybe a Casio or some no-name special from the Asian supermarkets. First watch I ever bought with my own money was some Wal-Mart fashion watch before I went to high-school (I still have it!). That was replaced with a white-dial Wenger my dad got for me (don't have that, unfortunately) when I left for college. A few smartwatch mistakes later, and I eventually found my way to the world of Seikos and other mechanical watches!

Q: What brands have been getting your attention lately?

Microbrands in general! Such an incredible amount of fun and different ideas!