Do you wear “jewelry?”

I wear a watch, my military dog tags and a wedding band. I see all of these things as essential and having a practical purpose so I don’t consider this “jewelry.” I do not personally wear jewelry.

Do you?

151 votes ·

But I think it's obvious why I wear jewellery 😄 and on my watch wrist I also just have the watch and my wedding band and engagement ring which I feel is perfect.


But I think it's obvious why I wear jewellery 😄 and on my watch wrist I also just have the watch and my wedding band and engagement ring which I feel is perfect.

Totally agree with you 👏


"Yes", but just a watch, which is more decorative than utilitarian.


Apart from a watch 😁

I don’t even wear a wedding ring.


Watch, wedding ring, Gold rosary that my wife gave me in 09 to keep away Satan. Also I have a fitness band on right wrist but that's to track my sleep and notifications.


Nowt, tho occasionally I wear a Leatherman Tread (bracelet like multitool) on the opposite wrist.

Unless you count a Prince Albert as jewelry 🤣


You do not wear jewelry. The jewelry wears you.

To answer your question... Short answer, no. Long answer, I do not wear jewelry.

But seriously, I wore my wedding band when I was married. Since I am no longer married, I don't wear my wedding band anymore.


I don’t consider myself a jewelry guy, but I do wear a gold rope chain with a cross, and I wear a watch on my wrist.


IMHO watch is not jewelry unless it is made of precious metal or contains gemstones.

I wear a wedding band and my class ring (an occasiocally cuff links) so I answered "yes".


Since I'm not married yet, I don't wear a ring. But I wear a silver cross chain daily, and a different watch for every day


i'll wear my wedding ring and sometimes I'll rock a chain necklace when I'm feeling exceptionally spicy.


I wear a necklace, watch, and wedding band. Dog tags give off big booter energy 😉


Besides my wedding band I wear a boatload of bracelets. Some, like my kara, are deeply personal and important, some are just rubber and I like how they look, but I love wearing them. My watch is another bracelet, more fun stuff for my wrist!


I wear a necklace, watch, and wedding band. Dog tags give off big booter energy 😉

Best answer! Big Booter Energy! I love that I’m gonna steal it. 🙂


Watch, wedding band, iron ring, and a silver skull given to me by my wife for our 10th anniversary. The last of these is the only purely jewelry-class item, but it’s cool and I’m used to wearing it now.


At least two rings, always a gold and a silver rope necklace, sometimes a set of pearls, sometimes a pearl bracelet, usually some type of fabric or leather and/or steel bracelets and on special occasions, a Moissanite tennis bracelet.

And a big ass gold, ruby pinky ring on date night because my wife hates it and says it looks like something a pimp got from a gumball machine.

My clothing style is very casual and I only own a single sports coat. But I like shiny things and am a fancy man in that way.


At least two rings, always a gold and a silver rope necklace, sometimes a set of pearls, sometimes a pearl bracelet, usually some type of fabric or leather and/or steel bracelets and on special occasions, a Moissanite tennis bracelet.

And a big ass gold, ruby pinky ring on date night because my wife hates it and says it looks like something a pimp got from a gumball machine.

My clothing style is very casual and I only own a single sports coat. But I like shiny things and am a fancy man in that way.


Respect! 💪


I like wearing a Franco or Cuban chain under my office shirt because it feels like I’m violating some corporate dress code, even if I’m not.


I said no but now realize that is a lie, I do wear a class agh ring a friend gave me a long time ago (as well as the obvious watch)


I love accessories, if I had the chance I would wear them everywhere. I always contact automic gold customer service, there I always choose for myself and even as a gift for a loved one.