
243 Following
1 hr ago
California, USA
8.00” / 20.32 cm Wrist
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Sunday Afternoon Horror Post....

Horror #1 Piles of cheap dead quartz watches. Everybody knows someone who has this problem, seems more common with my women friends. If they bring me...

Sunday Afternoon Horror Post....

Earlier I read post about trying to get our significant others involved in the hobby. I did get my other half into having a decent sized collection of...

Gifted to me today......

A good friend of mine surprised me today with this watch as a gift. It dates to 1985, the same year as my burgundy 300D. It came from the owner of an...

Highly Recommended Video

I learned quite a bit in this 30 minute video.

Ventura GGT/Meetup

Please join us for some classic geekery. We will be meeting at One More Time followed by dinner in town. RSVP only, please contact me to confirm. @Rome1234 @TheSharperTheBetter @Half_Life @street.cred...
Dec 2
Ventura, CA, US
Sat, December 2 · 2:00 PM PST

Collection Flashback Post - Post your early collection with a date.

My flashback is from 1983. At that point in time I didn't even consider myself a "Collector" or "Watch Idiot Savant." People ask how you start collect...

The Breitling Bling Era

The watch I pick for the rare evening switch today is the Breitling “Super Avenger” Chronograph; but I call it the “Super Mosey” after its original ow...

For Fun- Post your Flieger w/Top Gun Quote

I'll start- "I feel the need, the need for speed!"

Let’s see your daylume……..

It’s not even sunny here today, I went into my office and was lusting after the daylume. One of my coworkers was like “are you ok?”

Seasonal Bracelet Adjustments?

And so it is... that time of the year when all of my watches on bracelets feel a little tight when I go to put them on. I adjust one, then another and...