CrunchTrek - The Next Acquisition - Game Time

Following in the footsteps of @DeeperBlue, @casiodean, and @Mr.Santana, I propose the next game based on Star Trek, sci-fi, and RPG elements. I know you all love games so there will be scavenger hunts, flash challenges, and other plot twists involved.

There may or may not be a badge awarded to the winner(s), but I will definitely make it a rewarding experience.

Are you ready to brave The Final Frontier? Sign up by my one year anniversary on WC, 4/22/24, by posting below.


Ready to party, count me in


Ready to party, count me in


Why did Starships never have seat belts? 🤣


Why did Starships never have seat belts? 🤣

Ready to party, count me in


Don't know mate actually


@CliveBarker1967 are you in?


What's a Star Trek?


I’m in. Live long and prosper.


How does it work, though? I'm up for a game, but I can't imagine how it is possible to do via this social network.

Also, I'm not a trekkie, I'm more of a Doctor Who and Firefly guy. How much is Star Trek knowledge necessary?


How does it work, though? I'm up for a game, but I can't imagine how it is possible to do via this social network.

Also, I'm not a trekkie, I'm more of a Doctor Who and Firefly guy. How much is Star Trek knowledge necessary?

It’ll run similar to previous games here. I will be games master and will post rules and challenges that will need to be completed. General sci-fi knowledge and having an open mind will be key. Specific Star Trek knowledge and references will be provided. They’re not necessary but part of the fun world building. You in?


@Rome1234, you in?


@Rome1234, you in?

@SpecKTator first of… I didn’t know I wasn’t the only one awake at this early in the morning lmfao.

Let me look into this and see if I can find some cool stuff!!


🙋‍♂️Sure! I'm in I reckon.


It’ll run similar to previous games here. I will be games master and will post rules and challenges that will need to be completed. General sci-fi knowledge and having an open mind will be key. Specific Star Trek knowledge and references will be provided. They’re not necessary but part of the fun world building. You in?

Still no idea, but whatever, sign me up. 😃




Tag me, I just might be interested.


@Seven921914 you in?



I'm in.


Count me in!


Make it so! I need a distraction!


Count me in!


Lieutenant Broccoli reporting for duty


Somebody damn well better make that Star Trek watch or they're going to get a Phazer to their Dilithium crystals!


I'm down


Engage, Mr. Data!


Somebody damn well better make that Star Trek watch or they're going to get a Phazer to their Dilithium crystals!

you in?


you in?

I respectfully decline as my free time does not exist just now.


Count me in!


Aaargh. I am 3 days too late. Can I still play? I never saw this post until now.


Aaargh. I am 3 days too late. Can I still play? I never saw this post until now.

I will tag you into the Week 1 thread. There may be an opportunity to join.