Is the term "One Watch Collection" correct or not?


· the action or process of collecting someone or something. - "the collection of watches over a period of time"

· a group of things or people. - "a collection of watches"


·  systematically seek and acquire (items of a particular kind) as a hobby. - "I've started collecting watches."

·  bring or gather together (things, typically when scattered or widespread). - "he went around the office collecting watches that were scattered"

Is the term  “one watch collection” correct or not?  It depends how you look at it, if you subscribe to the definition that a collection is “a group of things” then no.  But on the other hand, if you look at a collection as “the action or process of collecting something” then technically, yes the first watch in your collection is a “one watch collection”.  If you don’t believe me that the first watch in your collection is a “one watch collection”, then do this:  Put out three watches and collect (gather) them one by one.  After you collected (gathered) one watch, how many watches have you collected (gathered)?  There you go, you collected one watch! 🤯       



n=1 ≠ a collection


Not for me, a single item being described as a collection doesn’t sound correct. I also think there needs to be some intent to collect through an interest or appreciation of the item in order to consider what one has to be a collection. I have two cars, but I don’t collect cars or consider it a car collection.

I do think I have the beginnings of a watch collection but before I became interested in watches, I had 3 or so already, 2 were gifts, one a smart watch. I liked them but I never thought of them as a collection although collecting has given me a new appreciation of them.

I am not saying for a second that a collection is better than a single watch by the way. What I have found in my short time in the hobby is that there are people out there with a phenomenal amount of knowledge about watches and wider horology who own a single watch.


Well, if you say ‘ im going to collect my son from school’ the word has a different meaning to ‘ I’m going to collect watches “ kind of semantics in a way but no, 1 item ( watch ) is not a collection. The phrase , one watch collection, is a term used by watch enthusiasts to mean , only have one watch and is not grammatically correct, more an idea we all understand. The end.


I think you can say you have a collection even if you currently have only one item. A collection implies the intention to grow it over time, and the first item marks the beginning of this endeavor.


1 = a watch

2-5 = some watches

>3 = a collection

You can have some watches without it being a collection. I think you can consider more than 3 a collection.

I think of it in paintings or football cards or vintage comics. I didn't think of 5 paintings as a collection, it was enough to cover a few walls.


"a GADA One watch collection"



I have a one wife collection.


One watch does not make a collection. But I don't know that that's what "one-watch collection" means, if you don't take things too literally. I think what the proper word most people are actually looking for when they talk about a "one-watch collection" is culmination (?). As in, this one watch is the culmination of a period of time whereby a person has thought about watches deeply and ended up with this singular watch, for whatever reason or reasons. But that definition hinges on the notion of time and mental energy spent searching for that singular watch. If a person just picked something up at random on the fly, without really considering things--then that can't be called a "culmination" and definitely can't be called a collection.

Just a thought.


One watch does not a collection make!!












Can you still be a watch enthusiast with just one watch? Yes.


Nope, not today or any day.


One and gone ….. maybe a better phrase.


Also….. in more esoteric way, one watch collection, could be the idea that the ‘ one watch ‘ has many different aspects of other watches combined , making it a kind of collection of the many things you look for in a watch, all rolled into one. Ask Neo…….I think he’s the one.


I think a one watch collection can be valid, only if you’ve been through the purgatory we on this forum are currently going through to find that last f*cking watch that ends this throwing money at a whirly thing with hands or digits that we obsess over.

Get me to the one watch collection club now please so I can change my obsession 🤣🤣


The one way a ‘one watch collection’ makes semantic sense to me is if someone trades watches regularly and has a one-in-one-out policy, but they only have one watch at any time.

They’re experiencing different watches over time, but they only have one watch at a time. I can see that being a ‘collection’ of sorts.

It feels like a term contrived to make some watch enthusiasts who only have one watch - and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that - feel Iike they’re more part of the online watch community with a term that caters specifically to them. Seems unnecessary to me.


I Think its more about the person than the amount of watches, if the person intends on collecting or has collected and sold some then it's still a collection