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Help! Should I get the watch or not?

I've been eyeballing a royal oak for as long as I can remember. Two years of talks with the boutique has led me to being offered a code 1159, which I...

Recent Comments

commented on How are your lugs holding up after a strap change? ·


I am so bad at removing spring bars too. The watchmaker next to my office changes straps for me for free since I repaired a few of my older watches with him. But I feel guilty to ask him to do it often since I do like to change often. So every now and again I do one myself and it's a miracle if I don't scratch a lug 😂

commented on Looking at a retirement watch but can’t decide, Large-Medium? ·

I have a large one myself.. Yet I like the medium on you?!?!​

commented on Which would you pick? ·

The date just if limited to your three options but as I picked other I'd suggest an Aqua Terra.

commented on Help and thoughts 😊 ·

Oh and congrats for the anniversaries!

commented on Help and thoughts 😊 ·

Obviously a very subjective choice. Having personally owned a few of these, I'd say the aqua terra. It's just an outstanding watch in every way. I think it strikes just the right blend of fancy without being too obnoxious. The BB58 is beautiful but (in my opinion) very low key and under the radar.

FWIW I love the smp300 too but I'd still pick the AT over it.

Good luck and don't forget to report back on what you pick!

commented on Flip or keep ·

Wear it for a week/month. If you still like it then keep it

commented on GS Dials ·

If you have light directly on it, there are shades of blue and purple. Without light it looks deep/dark blue or even black. Most people assume it's a dark blue or black dial watch when I wear it to the office