
154 Following
1 hr ago
Hamilton, Ontario
6.50” / 16.51 cm Wrist
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Recent posts

Travel back in time to Damascus

Hello, I don't know why but I became very nostalgic of my travelling days in the middle east today. With the ongoing conflict in Syria... I thought ab...

Marketing or genuine?

Good morning, very simple today. Which of the following selling points don't mean anything? I'm not going to lie, when I first started collecting I thought these were a must. If you have others, pleas...
493 votes ·

Chiming in...

Lately I have been fascinated with watches with the chime function. I don't know why but it just adds to the mechanical difficulty of the watch and sounds elegant. I know that I won't be able able to...
20 votes ·

Isotope Hydrium

So I came across an article talking about coolest current space watches... For the most part the watch variations were your run of the mill, high specs brand names but didn't wow me with the designs u...
43 votes ·

Time accuracy

So, in the watch world we usually use GMT as a means to calibrate time or correlate accuracy for time. I did a little research and even though GMT is one of the standards in measuring time it is not t...
116 votes ·

Let's play a game

Here is the scenario, you can only buy watches from one country. To make matters worse, the Swiss and Japanese industry has perished. Please choose one of the countries listed and if you like, share y...
184 votes ·

Cristiano Ronaldo invests in Chrono24 Saw this while looking for my next purchase and thought to share. Pretty interesting stuff.

Throwback, or comeback?

First I would like to thank Stephanie W. for helping me with this idea. As I was growing up in the 80's and 90's... Commercials were very catchy and on point in all facets, whether it was electronics,...
40 votes ·


Alright this is straight forward, which nickname/watch is your favourite... I know the list is endless and I want to hear it. To narrow it down for this poll... Drum rolls, super hero theme but feel f...
47 votes ·

Questioned features

Hi all, how many of you have seen features on a watch and scratched your head asking... why? Below I have listed some features that I have personally come across that I deemed useless. If you have oth...
217 votes ·