Speedmaster Moon Watch

Follow me on IG: @thewatchzealot

Ever since getting into the hobby, the moon watch has been my grail watch. This watch went to the moon! How cool is that? It is a luxury watch, well built, strong heritage, respectable brand, and a sweet history. My loving wife bought this for me a few days ago to celebrate our 8 years of marriage. Honeymoon phase…


Congratulations on your new watch! And congratz on your anniversary as well! The watch is Absolutely Awesome!


Congrats!  My wife and I just celebrated 8 years yesterday!  🥳


I can't really complain though, my wife has also gifted me watches. It's just that income-wise, I'm not in that tier. 

Congrats & MTFBWY!!


Congratulations x2!  You got your grail and your wife gave it to you. 

So what's next (unless by grail you mean end watch)? 


Classic, enjoy every second!


Absolutely love this watch! For me it’s hard to justify buying such an expensive watch with low water resistance and a hesitate crystal. I’d want to wear it everywhere! But I’d be too afraid to wear it. I’m jealous of everyone who has one though! 


Congratulations! Wear with pride, it’s a heck of a watch.


Congratulations! That's a great watch, and it's even more special that it is a gift from your wife! The watches in my collection that have the most meaning for me are the ones given to me by my wife. It is so great to have spouses that support this hobby.


Congratulations x2!  You got your grail and your wife gave it to you. 

So what's next (unless by grail you mean end watch)? 

haha, does an "end watch" truly exists? 

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Absolutely love this watch! For me it’s hard to justify buying such an expensive watch with low water resistance and a hesitate crystal. I’d want to wear it everywhere! But I’d be too afraid to wear it. I’m jealous of everyone who has one though! 

oh trust me brother. I am struggling wearing this. and when I have, I brought a small watch case. I basically only wear it like 60 minutes everyday, haha. 


Congrats buddy on both counts. What a gift! 💯


oh trust me brother. I am struggling wearing this. and when I have, I brought a small watch case. I basically only wear it like 60 minutes everyday, haha. 

That’s the big issue for me. Even if I got the sapphire version, I’d feel like it wasn’t faithful to the original. Plus again, low water resistance. Enjoy it Though! It’s a stunner!


Honeymoon phase for the marriage or the watch? both? 😂🤣😂



Congrats !! Lucky Dawg!!


congratulations bro. nice watch👍👍