Ideal Collection Size Poll

This has likely been done to death, but it's always fun to hear about! What's your ideal collection size? For me I'm trying to keep my total to 8 in rotation + my grandfather's watch for a total of 9! (Bonus points if you comment a SOTC shot!)

136 votes ·

3-4 is enough for me to cover all the situations in my lifestyle and I plan to stay at this number and only continue upgrading as my tastes keep evolving. Quality over quantity. One in, one out.




I have 5 main watches but then I have a load of casios that I wear at random times.


Depends on whether or not we’re including everything (Casio *cough cough*). If we are, I’m going with 5-10. If not, 3-4 is plenty enough room to make a stylistically diverse and functionally well-rounded collection.


Now that I have more than a dozen or so and know what I like, I feel I could live with 8-10 no problem.


3-4 is enough for me to cover all the situations in my lifestyle and I plan to stay at this number and only continue upgrading as my tastes keep evolving. Quality over quantity. One in, one out.

"One in, one out" is my exact creed on the topic!


Now that I have more than a dozen or so and know what I like, I feel I could live with 8-10 no problem.

Right? I'm trying to keep it so my box is my limit, plus the one I rarely wear and leave in a separate pouch in the safe!


I think a 4 watch collection is perfect for me. I have 18 and no matter how many I buy, the number never gets to 4.


I'd like to keep my collection to 12-14. Then one will have to go if one comes in.

But I could change mind tomorrow.


I can easilly live with 10 watches, this is what I have right now 😜There's some that are here for a while until I get the money to replace with a proper equivalent, but there's a few addition I'd like to have, so 20 seems reasonnable for me 🙏


I like the idea of the classic 3 great watches with some special/fun/inexpensive extras. So around 8 total I would say.

Ive got all the of the second category covered, now to work on the first !


Well, currently at 102, but that's nothing compared to some others here. I love choosing a watch to start my day, it's a ritual, so having a wide selection makes it that much sweeter. And some days I'll change out watches several times, like 4 or 5!


I have a combination of Seiko-modded watches and brand name watches. I am trying to consolidate from 20 watches down to 8 to 10 watches.

But it is hard to decide which ones to sell.😫


Still deciding. Current count at 71. Some I would like to wear more and some I rarely wear so my ideal collection is less than what I have but what that number is I am not close on what that might be,


Plethora! 😁