
8 Following
6 months ago
7.25” / 18.42 cm Wrist
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Which of these straps looks best on the Tudor Ranger 39mm?

Looking to take advantage of BlackFriday pricing... Which of these two options works the best? I Photoshopped a couple of WatchGecko options: A. B. Th...

Best way to stain/color white stitching on watch strap

Hey everyone - I just picked up a new Tudor Ranger on bracelet. I am looking at picking up a sailcloth strap to emulate the look of the OEM rubberish...

Which of these watch groupings is your favorite?

Hey everyone. On my collecting/curating journey, I usually photoshop my watches with some potential new blood to see how they all gel together. I have...

Recent Comments

commented on heboil's WRUW ·


commented on heboil's WRUW ·

Thanks so much! It's one of my favorites 😀

commented on heboil's WRUW ·


commented on Bulova jet star ·

I think I like the burgundy the most, but the gold one is growing on me.

commented on heboil's WRUW ·

I agree with that! The reference is 2254.50.00.

commented on heboil's WRUW ·

Thx bud! I love the simplicity and the spacing of the sub dial.

commented on heboil's WRUW ·

Hah! If I do it... I'll make sure to message you!

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Good Black Friday sales

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96 votes ·

Swatch, standard lug width and straps

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