Crown position

What crown position do you prefer

462 votes ·

A B and E 6:00 o clock


3 is great and all if the crown is recessed or protrudes under ~1/8". These tool watches where some pencil-eraser sized thumbscrew juts out into the back of the hand, screw that. Then it's 4 o'clock time as a sane right-handed person can look at the time and adjust it conveniently. That is all.


Doesn’t matter to me. Never had a 3 o’clock dog into my wrist. The Sinn I’m wearing now has it at 10 which is a little awkward for setting but I quickly got used to it.


I voted for B/4 (even though I totally love any number of A/3 designs), because it always looks a little jaunty to me, like wearing your hat slightly canted. I wish more designers would use that one!


If given the choice, I'll default lefty, even though I'm a righty. Less crown bite, gloves fit easier, etc.


Doesn’t matter to me. Never had a 3 o’clock dog into my wrist. The Sinn I’m wearing now has it at 10 which is a little awkward for setting but I quickly got used to it.


This Sin look amazing






6 O’clock is fun.


Long before Swatch copied them essentially swapping Miffy with Snoopy, De Rijke was doing whimsical moonphases with a 1’clock crown.


ZRCs have the crown at 6 o'clock.


How about 12:00? 😂