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mission viejo
6.50” / 16.51 cm Wrist
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Economist Thoughts on Rolex-Bucherer Deal

Hello everyone, I have been chewing on the recent Rolex-Bucherer deal and there is certainly a lot to consider. I've actually made a video about this,...

Yes, I Got the Call!

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Today, I wanted to share a little bit about a recent adventure of mine. After a long period of waiting and...

The Whole Anthony Farrer Situation

Folks, I promise I wouldn't waste your time on TMZ-style drama. That's not our vibe. But I've been digging into the state of the grey market, and man,...

Rolex: Buy Now or Wait?

So we all know the crazy Rolex price boom has finally cooled. The bubble popped and now pre-owned prices are trending back to earth. Wild times in the...

I believe Rolex flipping is almost over. It's done.

I know, it seems like it was impossible for the Rolex hype to start dying down. But it's happened. We all know about the recent decline in the seconda...

My First Omega Purchase! (Can You Guess the Model?)

Hey guys, I’m super excited to share with you my latest purchase: my first Omega watch! This is a brand that I’ve always admired and wanted to own, an...

Are Rolex Prices Heading Back Up? The Truth.

Hey everyone, Are you curious about what’s going on with the Rolex market these days? Some dealers are saying that Rolex prices are going up again aft...

You Won't Believe What This Man Did To Get A Patek Philippe Watch

You know what they say: If you have to ask how much a Patek Philippe costs, you can’t afford it. But what if you can afford it, and you still can’t ge...

Recommended Reading: Lawsuit Alleges Man Spent $220,000 For The Chance To Buy A Patek Philippe That He Never Got

NWA: How I Saved $29,916!

The Vacheron Constantin 1921 is a luxury watch that pays homage to a historical model from the Art Deco era. The watch has a distinctive design, with...

NWA: The Rolex Explorer 214270 (My First Rolex!)

If you've been watching my Youtube videos, you know that I've been searching for a Rolex. Well, the wait is finally over :-). Why the Explorer you mig...