Sunday confession

Hello fellow crunchers. I have a confession: I double wrist - forgive me of my sins.

Are there any other sinners out there?


Yes i am a Sinner too 😜


Whenever I'm in office. Gotta get my steps in for those sweet sweet health rewards.


Oh yes, I frequently and unrepentantly double wrist. How else can you enjoy all your watches with any regularity?😂


Taking after the Hayeks (Sr. & Jr.) I see. 😂


Haha guilty your honour. I’ve recently added an Apple Watch and have started double wristing on occasion.


I'm ambidextrous, I play sports and teach a weapons martial arts with both hands. The one handed people are strange to me. But non of us are sinners. Watches are jewelry that do a job. Wearing two watches can be cheaper than buying one gmt watch for example and elevate your fashion game at the same time


I don't sin. I wear two traditional watches all the time. Not every day but frequently


Just started wearing Apple Watch on the right when tracking fitness activities. Jury’s still out on how well it works for me… 🤷🏼‍♂️


You're absolved of your sins for the fact you have a timepiece on!


No thanks but do you


I have no issue grabbing 2 watches for the day, especially if a new watch comes in that day!


I double wrist. Watch on my left wrist and a Garmin Vivosmart on my right.


I got a Garmin on a Black Friday sale and have been double wristing as I slowly start training for my first marathon in October. I love my traditional watches, but the Garmin has made me question calling any mechanical watch a “tool watch” with how genuinely useful my Garmin has been as a training tool


I got a Garmin on a Black Friday sale and have been double wristing as I slowly start training for my first marathon in October. I love my traditional watches, but the Garmin has made me question calling any mechanical watch a “tool watch” with how genuinely useful my Garmin has been as a training tool

Smart watches aren’t perfect but they’re part of the watch story/evolution and arguably the ultimate tool watches right now.


I sin a lot but not this particular one.


Nope, especially not with smarties.


I know Mr Wonderful wears 2 all the time. If I had a smart watch, I would consider it. Tried to talk my daughter into it but she won't


I wear a fitbit on my dominant wrist and then my Formex Essence 39 on my non-dominant. I haven't really double-wristed with my seiko diver yet (except at home), but likely won't, given it's wrist presence.