What is a Horology connoisseur?

The Urban Dictionary lists the following:

A self proclaimed "horology connoisseur" is most likely a snobbish watch enthusiast. He is not necessarily rich, but he most likely is. It's a rare encounter in real life since he is mostly keeps his opinions on the internet, where he makes sure to remain anonymous.

Distinctive behaviors are :

1) telling people about his superior taste on anything and everything;

2) showing off his watch collection that mostly contains watches other "Horology connoisseurs" consider respectable;

3) bashing on other people's choices of watch, dress code and lifestyle;

4) getting really personal with anybody who dares to call him out for his bullshit.

How to recognize a "Horology connoisseur" without any interaction (really, just stay away)

1) His Facebook profile is secondary, a profile he made especially for the Facebook groups he is a member of. This is him making sure the people he insults won't destroy his life by showing his boss or wife the douchebag that he is.

2) He uses as a Facebook profile picture a $200k watch only he and 5 other "horology connoisseurs" know or care about. Other pictures in his gallery might consist of scenery from that time he went to Switzerland.

3) His friends consist of other "Horology connoisseurs" ( and only Horology connoisseurs) you might know of ( and hate seeing everywhere)

4) He mostly comments on posts that contain watches or brands he likes to bash on.

"Lololol, why did you even buy this?! As a real horology connoisseur, I can't see my self wearing this peace of crap."


Sorry, I will have to think of an answer at a later point in time. I'm just too busy preparing for a wine-tasting event at the local country club.


Glad I don't consider myself a "horology connoisseur". Enthusiast, maybe. I'm no expert.

I drink and know some things.


Tut tut. That chaps parting is terrible, his tie appears to be a clip on, and he can’t even keep his pipe lit. Poor show. I bet he doesn’t even match his leathers on weekends.

Truth is, inverse snobbery is still snobbery. So I shan’t weigh in on the question really, as it’s core concept is designed to insult people who might share a few traits with it. Alan Sugar wears a Rolex, changes it every week, and invented the concept of a mugs eyeful. This is representative of Alan Sugar, not of Rolex owners. Style is not as reflective of people as people think. If I judge people for shared nom-defining traits, or choices, it gets awkward because Hitler was a vegetarian, and Donald Trump loved a Big Mac. I have no desire to become pescatarian.


Its an old world class concept insecure people need to affirm their status in their society. At it's core its simply wealth flaunting and below waist measuring. They find a pole and see who can wet the higher mark.


Tut tut. That chaps parting is terrible, his tie appears to be a clip on, and he can’t even keep his pipe lit. Poor show. I bet he doesn’t even match his leathers on weekends.

Truth is, inverse snobbery is still snobbery. So I shan’t weigh in on the question really, as it’s core concept is designed to insult people who might share a few traits with it. Alan Sugar wears a Rolex, changes it every week, and invented the concept of a mugs eyeful. This is representative of Alan Sugar, not of Rolex owners. Style is not as reflective of people as people think. If I judge people for shared nom-defining traits, or choices, it gets awkward because Hitler was a vegetarian, and Donald Trump loved a Big Mac. I have no desire to become pescatarian.

Sorry, but what exactly is a "mugs eyeful"?


Sorry, but what exactly is a "mugs eyeful"?

Something that looks amazing and wonderful, as a means of selling it to someone who perhaps doesn’t know what they are looking at. It’s a term he coined (I believe it’s in his biography that it is mentioned) when he was starting his business selling hi-fi equipment that looked like high end systems, but were actually very low/old tech. Like the extreme end of fashion/homage watches. The audio equivalent of having a dive bezel on a watch with 3atm WR. Charge more than it is worth, as much as you can get, whilst making it look like a bargain, and undercutting actual quality competitors.

I think Techmoan on YouTube recently did a video that demonstrated it perfectly.


Here’s the video. I imagine most people could easily see the similarities in corners of our own hobby — but these days, at least many seem to at least price accordingly xD



1) telling people about his superior taste on anything and everything;

2) showing off his watch collection that mostly contains watches other "Horology connoisseurs" consider respectable;

I guess people who exhibit this type of behaviour do exist. It is a horrible thing.

If one only appreciates watches that are liked by others, isn't that an indicator that one might lack taste altogether? Of course the individual may happen to like the mainstream, but no two people are alike and deep down I think almost everyone will like a watch that others don't. Wearing and appreciating all sorts of watches while respecting that others do not like them (in some cases) is, in my opinion, what the term should mean.

But I understand that it isn't actually what most associate with it 🤝


I went to to a our Vancouver meetup! The esteemed Seattle based Max even attended. I think 'crunch is basically a friendly and chill place, and our gathering reflected that.

One more consideration: the whales I've met here (guys whose watch collections exceed my net worth) are also some of the most polite, friendly and funny people on the site. The 'I'm smarter than you' sort of Cruncher is not someone with the priciest watches.

Anyhoo - give a meetup a try, it was great fun!


Chip chip cheerio!

Hot take (or maybe not): We're all snobs deep down. That's what taste is. Your taste is different from mine. I've certainly looked down on some watch brands just as I'm sure people have looked down on my Aliexpress purchases. I think that's all fine and good. I don't like your watch, you don't like mine. Tastes vary. It should be okay to judge your watch as crap because you will probably judge my watch as crap. It's fine. These things should not be an extension of one's identity. These are just things.

What's not acceptable is judging the people who bought the thing you despise. Oh, Tommy bought a Pagani... he is utterly plebeian. Tsk tsk. I have a friend who I argue with all the time. He's exasperated by my taste and I tsk-tsk his--because he has none. Those arguments don't lead to toxicity. And instead of avoiding the arguments, we look forward to them despite the fact that he will never change my mind and I will probably never change his. But really, his taste is utter garbage.


>piece< of crap 💩


Something that looks amazing and wonderful, as a means of selling it to someone who perhaps doesn’t know what they are looking at. It’s a term he coined (I believe it’s in his biography that it is mentioned) when he was starting his business selling hi-fi equipment that looked like high end systems, but were actually very low/old tech. Like the extreme end of fashion/homage watches. The audio equivalent of having a dive bezel on a watch with 3atm WR. Charge more than it is worth, as much as you can get, whilst making it look like a bargain, and undercutting actual quality competitors.

I think Techmoan on YouTube recently did a video that demonstrated it perfectly.


Here’s the video. I imagine most people could easily see the similarities in corners of our own hobby — but these days, at least many seem to at least price accordingly xD


Thanks for the video. Yes, I do remember that time, and many stereo systems were utter junk, flashy but without substance. I learned something today.


>piece< of crap 💩

“Peace of crap” is a happy accident. The tranquility of rubbish. The zen of garbage. The calmness of clutter. Me likey.


Sounds like the description of a HODINKEE bro...


Well, if Urban Dictionary said so…..