Month-iversary at WatchCrunch!

After a month of being part of @WatchCrunch, I’ve come to genuinely appreciate the diversity within our community and the special connections we get to forge.

In the world of watches, our collections are more than just objects; they're reflections of who we are and what we love. I am truly enjoying the deep understanding, from everyone I have connected with so far, that our passion for watches is deeply personal and subjective and what matters most is the joy these bring us, not how they stack up against someone else's collection.

Stay tuned for a cool story I’m sharing with all of you soon…



It is a fun place, right? Learning so much myself every day from a bunch of strangers!!… And now I can’t wait for your story!!!….


It is a fun place, right? Learning so much myself every day from a bunch of strangers!!… And now I can’t wait for your story!!!….

Well said 👍


ChatGPT for the whatever...


Wells said! The one thing most prolific watch collectors would say is,it's about the connections, the stories and the people that make this hobby what it is. Sharing your connection to shiny things, modest brands, high-end brands and connections with the past is a fascinating look into passion we all share. Looking forward to hearing your story!


It's the same way with cars at car meets. People from different backgrounds and with different perspectives on so many things, get together and enjoy just the one thing - cars.

It's nice we have this community of open-minded, reasonable watch enthusiasts.


Well said buddy, well said!


Well said my friend...I have never been involved in any kind of social media until I came across this site after being bitten by the watch bug last year. I get a ton of enjoyment out of the time I spend here, and seeing and reading about others journeys. This is an incredible space for us all.



Couldn't have said it better myself! There is so much warmth in this community..

Already have the pop 🍿 and 🍺 ready for when its time for your story!!


He’s me


I collect cheap and trashy watches because I'm a cheap and trashy person. My collection truly reflects my personality. 😉


I’m new as well. This is a great place to be. I’m having lots of fun here! 👏🥳💯🎊❤️


Glad you’re here. I’ve basically forsaken all other social media. This place has everything I want.


Completely agree. It's nice to have a watch forum that is not completely Partisan, and with out the usual click of fanboys bashing any opinion that differs from their narrative or agenda. Long may it continue 🙏


Well said! Love the AI generated Images btw.


Well said! Love the AI generated Images btw.

Putting that Copilot app to work. More creative than I am, that’s for sure. 😌🥃


Welcome, you are right it is a great community


Looking forward to it, I'm new myself but watch collectors are definitely a special breed I'm happy to be a part of


Still having fun?