Retro Heaven and Improving Perfection pt3

Phew 1st 2 loaded up and out there. Ok for pt3 and you'll see what the improving perfection is all about..

Well the retro goodies don't end there. Remember that Red Star chrono (cow head skeleton word nails manly cased)


Well @SurferJohn suggested I take a look at Uncle straps, and I did so thanks for putting me onto them. And I did make a couple of purchases. No don't worry there's no pseudo film star cousins making an appearance today, but what I've got is some A list straps that will rival Angelina n Brad and Will (the slapper) Smith.



Not a term I've used before and one that no doubt will rise the hackles of some of our esteemed stalwarts who hate such monikers as the J word and the four letter description of watches that begin with the letter between F and H. And it's one I've only seen describing those plastiky toyee things called G shocks 😜 (there already upset half the readership). But I think I've pulled the proverbial rabbit out of the hat with these strap choices so I'm going to use it (and it's my post so I'll say what I like😝).



Skeleton cow head red star chrono on a vintage Bear bracelet.



Seiko on the Uncle strap



Timex on a vintage Apollo bracelet.

So the Uncle strap didn't make it on the Red Star straight on the Seiko, it just looks n feels so right, as for the strap itself it's an Uncle wide link bracelet for Seiko 6138 chrono 19mm width, the actual watch has a 20mm lug width but what's a mm between friends and its not noticeable at all.


The Uncle strap is just like the real vintage ones you can buy even down to the crappy pressed clasp and the loose links that rattle, now you may think this is bad but no its proper to the vintage form, better made on the bracelet,sold links, longer than 99% of real bracelets and won't fall apart. It's just proper vintagey to type. So don't let my description put you off (I did pick up a cheeky beads of rice for a samurai and it's very well made, top notch) its good and I love it.

Hell of a week watch wise all been told, retro'd to the max awesome watches and some (blowing me own trumpet here) inspired strap choices (with a little help of course), but I'm basking in a rare success so indulge me. And that's what I meant about improving perfection 3 lovely watches on 3 improved straps.

I do promise not to use GOD TIER again I'll leave that to G shock owners in WRUW. Now what do you think of the Seiko, would you





Hopefully this will load up, the first two tries didn't, probably too big for the hive to digest (it used to say too many characters) but a nice but frustrating way to while away a Saturday afternoon whilst in quarantine cos of the lurgy (like the black death but with more tissues and lemsip) and the 9th one this year (lucky boy🤧)

Got to do it just once more... GOD TIER


Have a great weekend all, cheers.


Great looking reissues all of them. I think the Seiko is my favourite. That is a bulls eye edition. You are a good writer but your photos is on par👍


Yea, I'm a fan of Uncle Seiko bracelets too.

I've got the SRPK17 too, not impressed with the stock bracelet as I've rather flat wrist and the bracelet is too round so I'll be putting in on one.

Nice watches you have there mate 👍🏻👍🏻


You've been busy, or should I say productive?


I've really enjoyed my Uncle Seiko's. Cool dude and to be honest, until recently with Haveston, he was the only place for basic, quality Velcro straps.


I love god tier……..,