Do you wear a watch to sleep?

Simple question for today; Do you wear a watch when you sleep?

For me, I never wore a watch to sleep, until about two years back. I've been a rough sleeper my entire life, and wake up 2-3 times each night. Being able to check the time, then go back to sleep has seemed to help out, so I've been wearing a digital watch to bed each night. Plus, it keeps my cell phone even further away from the bed, always a plus.

How about you? Do you wear a watch when you sleep?


Sometimes, it depends on the price of the watch.


Sometimes, it depends on the price of the watch.

What does that mean? Only wearing higher-end pieces to bed, or that you throw on something less expensive so it doesn't get bumped during the night?




I occasionally leave it on, especially if it's a slimmer watch. However, I wear my GSAR most days and typically sleep with hands under my pillow, which can be sort of uncomfortable with a thick watch. Most nights, I take my watch off and set it in one of the top corners of my mattress. I just reach up and grab it in the night if I want to know the time.


I sleep in the nude, and that includes no watch!


Only a thin smartband to track my sleep quality, time ago used a casio


Most nights I do. I don’t have a night stand by the bed and can’t see the clock without my glasses, so I wear a watch can see the time and know that I still have time to sleep!




Always! One may have the sudden urge to go grab a chili dog from the neighborhood Sev in the middle of the night. Would be a nice touch to know the time while sloppily downing the thing in a darkened parking lot.


Always! One may have the sudden urge to go grab a chili dog from the neighborhood Sev in the middle of the night. Would be a nice touch to know the time while sloppily downing the thing in a darkened parking lot.

I'm more of a late-night Maverik burrito kind of guy, but I'm picking up what you're laying down here.


Yes, I refuse to buy a watch winder for this meddlesome day/date automatic that can't be hand wound. It survives on nocturnal tossing and turning. I don't care what time it is. I have an alarm for that.


I don’t but if I did I’d wear my Timex Expedition since it makes a loud ticking sound (I love the sound of clocks and watches ticking 😁👌🏻)


I don't. I try my hardest not to know the time when I want to sleep.


Yep. I just keep whichever watch I wore that day on for the night. I used to switch to a digital, but am too lazy to keep that up. 😅


What does that mean? Only wearing higher-end pieces to bed, or that you throw on something less expensive so it doesn't get bumped during the night?

If I am already wearing something say like a G-Shock when I get to bed, I don't bother removing it however if I am wearing a Tudor then it gets removed and placed on the night stand.


As I was was a kid, yes. Nowadays. Nope

I used to as a kid, especially during sleepovers at friends' houses.