They cloned those fast

50 bucks CDN on Ali


Wow, that’s fast. I see US$35. Available in automatic or quartz movements…though none of the listings I see say what actual movement it is.


Does a clone/fake of a homage make it real? Asking for my Romulan friend 🤣😂


Really can't be bothered to waste the $, but man this would be fun to wear walking in a larger city, just to see ppl freak out at a distance.


Hmm… I’m surprised at the price differences we are seeing.

Quartz and automatic listings:


Not that it matters, since I’m not interested regardless of price…


This would be very difficult to resist if I really liked these. 😎


Maybe they come out from the same factory that’s why they are out so fast



Does a clone/fake of a homage make it real? Asking for my Romulan friend 🤣😂


Made in the same factory 🤣😂🙄


Does a clone/fake of a homage make it real? Asking for my Romulan friend 🤣😂


This question is much too difficult for mere mortals. It borders on metaphysical. The best I can do is give my two default answers.

1) Never mess with the Time/Space Continuum, and

2) Nuthin' Matters and What If It Did


This question is much too difficult for mere mortals. It borders on metaphysical. The best I can do is give my two default answers.

1) Never mess with the Time/Space Continuum, and

2) Nuthin' Matters and What If It Did

Let me introduce you to our friend


At my age, the past is all I have to look forward to. That, and Joe's Crab Shack. I just went by there. They had a sign up saying "Free Crab Tomorrow". When I stopped in to ask if there was indeed free crab tomorrow, they assured me that if I came in tomorrow, there would definitely still be free crab tomorrow. I can't wait!