It Needs To Be Said, Part 2

Girlfriend:  "Do you see the irony of wearing a $7,000 watch and socks with holes in them?"

Me:  "How do you think I was able to afford a $7,000 watch?"  

Some of us make way less than $100,000 per year.  We scrip, save, and sacrifice to be part of this hobby. These multi-thousand dollar purchases aren't impulse buys for us. We agonize over each one of them.

Don't get me wrong I don't hold a grudge against anyone with a greater level of success or income.  In most cases they earned their success.  Good on them.

For me:

-I put off buying new clothes as long as possible but when I do I get closeouts or shop at Goodwill. On weekends I dress like a bum.

-I drive an older car that isn't cool but it is paid off.  Repairs are cheaper than car payments with high interest rates any day.

-When I go grocery shopping I look at generic brands, buy one/get one free deals, sale items, and also look at the cost per ounce to see if the larger size is a better value.

-As a privilege my workplace provides complimentary food in the break room.  On many days that is my breakfast and lunch.

-I am a member of the Panera Sip Club and rarely pay for coffee, iced-tea, lemonade, or other beverages.      

The pennies in my household could be pinched even tighter but if they were you might hear them scream. 

Everyday I wear this watch I feel fortunate to have it. It always reminds me how far I've come and how much I've overcome to get here.

In short, when someone is wearing a luxury watch don't make assumptions about their income.  It could have been inherited, a gift, a prize for a contest, or something that required them to save up for a long time and make many sacrifices.  Most of us aren't trying to be better than anyone else.  We just want a small number of luxury items (in some cases just one) that makes all of life's hardships worth it.


Fortunately I just don't have expensive tastes. I'm perfectly happy with cheap (er) watches. I still get the itch but can always find something suitable. I don't have a grail watch so I just buy what I like.


There’s always a trade off. The money spent on luxuries could be put into more ‘useful’ things but at the end of the day, it’s up to each individual to find the balance that’s right for them.

I don’t buy expensive designer clothes generally, but I like to spend on items which I know will last me a long time (years not months or weeks).


I like to be “put together” that said designer clothes are not that good, I look at material (100% cotton, linen, wool, cachemir ecc..) that last longer the cheap material: same can be said about watches I guess 🤗


By the way, that #omega is one of the best you could choose 👍🏼


Mate get some new socks you're not doing yourself any favours 😂


By the way, that #omega is one of the best you could choose 👍🏼

Thank you. There was a lot of thought put into the choice since I could only afford one watch of this status. It had to be versatile, not too sporty but also not too dressy. The watch had to be equally at home in meetings with millionaires or worn on weekend adventures with shorts and a tee shirt.


We all save and spend our money differently. Watches are our get down. Some else might get down on LV suits or Air Jordan's. What matters to me is that we get to smile after we make our purchases. Very nice Omega. Enjoy your smiles.


People who critique watches probably have other hobbies or obsessions that cost a pretty penny as well . . . and yet we're the ones that get grief b/c it's seen as gauche or classist or something? Pfft.

But yeah . . . holes in some of my socks, underwear etc haha mostly out of laziness to get new pairs. I don't see them as a priority so long as some cloth remains covering the bits haha. A new watch strap on the other hand? I kid a little . . . but only sort of. I do LOOK very presentable but it's like business up top and jungle boy below.




My fav pink socks … broke at work lol 😜🥳🍻


That 300 and the Railmaster are my Grail watches... Wear it with pride, it comes with the achievement 🙌🏼


Mate get some new socks you're not doing yourself any favours 😂

@CityHunter are you related to Jackie Chan? LOL 😂


Aw I can relate. I have T-shirts that are old, but so comfortable, with holes in them that I love wearing! I’ve been pretty fortunate where I’m able to purchase a couple nice watches, where I’m not being irresponsible about other priorities in my life.

My lady always gives me grief about the t shirts. She tells me I shouldn’t be going out in public and letting people see me like that. Something she hasn’t gotten is, I don’t care 😂.

Ironically, when I met her, I was out and about in my PJs.


Aw I can relate. I have T-shirts that are old, but so comfortable, with holes in them that I love wearing! I’ve been pretty fortunate where I’m able to purchase a couple nice watches, where I’m not being irresponsible about other priorities in my life.

My lady always gives me grief about the t shirts. She tells me I shouldn’t be going out in public and letting people see me like that. Something she hasn’t gotten is, I don’t care 😂.

Ironically, when I met her, I was out and about in my PJs.

Dude I have same shirts that it sooo thin I might as well be naked 😜🤣!!

Let’s not even talk about undies!!




My fav pink socks … broke at work lol 😜🥳🍻

That's like a halter/crop top for your feet. Very 80s/early 90s.


Dude I have same shirts that it sooo thin I might as well be naked 😜🤣!!

Let’s not even talk about undies!!


Doing laundry / my favorite T-shirt with a hole in it


You shouldn't be ashamed. You did it the right way. You sacrificed where you could, saved and didn't buy with credit.

I made that mistake before I got into watches and getting out of debt was very difficult.


I totally get it. I'm 43 about to get married (first time). I finally got to a financial point in my life that I was able to afford a swiss "luxury" watch, my wedding watch. (Tudor Pelagos LHD). But, I shop at Sam's club for ten dollar shorts, bring my lunch to work, and drive paid off vehicles. It's all about priorities. I've wanted the LHD since they were released. So, when I could buy one, I did.


I love this post!!! 🤜🤛


I'm with you brother 🤣


👏🏻so very well said !


Whatever it may be, pick your 'luxury' and never apologize for it. Heck, with today's food prices, that can be considered a luxury. I'm never giving up on my watches. Food? Meh, I could always stand to lose a few pounds.


You get to define what "success" looks like to you. Many with larger bankrolls are forever chasing the unattainable and are miserable on a regular basis. I've been to third world countries where I've been hosted in dirt floor huts and I can guarantee you that many of those villagers were at least as content as a teenager in the U.S. with an Xbox or an adult in Europe with a Porsche. Do you my friend, do you.


Congrats on your hard earned Omega. Whichever timepiece we get, regardless of price, to commemorate a significant milestone, is always ours to enjoy. No one can and will take from that.

Imho though, she's right. Just get the cheapest pack of 3 or 5 socks, and be done with it. It'll prevent your heel from also getting some form of fungal growth from sweat in your shoes. ;)



Similar story, work long hours for minimum wage.

Got this beautiful piece with inheritance from my Mum (miss her every day and this is a lovely reminder).

Ill never afford a mansion, Ferrari or exotic holidays, but I can own what in my eyes is the ultimate mechanical watch.

Funny how we both went for the same model (tho mine is previous iteration) - not flashy, subtle elegance and versatile good looks.

Love it 😍


Women forget about the economy driven choices and many times they want everything at the same time. They want the nice purse, the nice dress and shoes, but they also want to go to the weekend trip with their friends in another country and a dinner in a 5star celebrity "palace".

Men usually think about the math before they get emotional. Every day you choose how to spend or invest every cent your work brought to your wallet. If you choose a certain spending, you will lose some money to buy something else. You cant have it all. This is the reason why women are often unhappy with their socio-economic status in life and why they think they are better than their "boring" partners.


Women forget about the economy driven choices and many times they want everything at the same time. They want the nice purse, the nice dress and shoes, but they also want to go to the weekend trip with their friends in another country and a dinner in a 5star celebrity "palace".

Men usually think about the math before they get emotional. Every day you choose how to spend or invest every cent your work brought to your wallet. If you choose a certain spending, you will lose some money to buy something else. You cant have it all. This is the reason why women are often unhappy with their socio-economic status in life and why they think they are better than their "boring" partners.

I think these are pretty outdated stereotypes.

From Experian:

"Men have 2% more credit card debt than women.

Men have 20% more personal loan debt than women.

Men have 16.3% more auto loan debt than women.

Men have 9.7% more mortgage debt than women.

Women have 2.7% more student loan debt than men."

From the Gambling Commission: "Males were more likely than females to gamble (36% compared to 30%)"

Now, you may say "Well the men are in all that debt cause they have to buy the women all the things!"

To that I say... 1) Well then those women got game 😆 2) Those men need to learn how to have money conversations with their partners.

And I think we can all agree, the very fact we are here spending all this money on fancy wrist jewelry means none of us are making wise financial choices around here 😆


My wife made fun of me when we first moved in together when I didn’t want to get rid of a cheap lamp from Ikea in favor of something that could be an heirloom bc I was like “But it also had a built in shelf!” . . . I def have a “why get something new if I already have something perfectly serviceable” mentality for day to day things. I just go nuts for impractical objects like watches haha


i think it’s part of being a good steward of the things we’re blessed with. if you can be responsible and have the necessities, there’s nothing wrong with spending the money on that $7,000 watch when you have everything else covered. i’ve been fortunate enough to have a comfortable income but my wife and i still think carefully about how we spend our money. we look for generic brands at the grocery store, we deliberate over whether we really need to buy the new clothes we want, and we are thoughtful and intentional about the purchasing decisions we make. you’ll find high end items in our closet but you’ll also find just as many low end items too. just yesterday i bought a pair of Kirkland shorts from Costco, while i was wearing my Rolex Explorer. 😂just because you have the means to spend doesn’t mean you should sometimes and having that discernment is part of being a good steward of your blessings.


TBH, it took me a while to notice the sock.
