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New bracelet alert!

Uncle Straps z199 bracelet for spb151. Looks great!

El Capitan

I wanted a new watch. And for my sins, they gave me one.

Doxa Sub 200t

Anyone else excited for this one??

Recent Comments

commented on Flying in my Car !! ·

And my ax!

commented on Interstellar ·

Yes it is. I even did it once with a seiko5 for a concept photo and then went "wait! This needs the proper watch..."

commented on Interstellar ·

See my reply to BadgeHoarder! It's not the actual galaxy. That would have needed too long a shutter to keep my hand steady enough to be sharp. For lenses, you'll need anything with a wide aperture (lowest number F stop you can find). Or really just use the shutter in it's slowest setting. But that would have made my hand blurry and blown out the lume, likely.

commented on Interstellar ·

Ha! This is a projection on my ceiling. I have photographed the galaxy and I would be impossible to have my arm in the photo and not look blurry or have the lume blown out unless I super imposed the two. For the galaxy, you'll first need to be in a place that has a no light pollution. Where it's possible to see the galaxy with your naked eyes. Then have a camera on a tripod and set it to the slowest shutter setting, like 30 seconds or whatever it can do. And you definitely don't want the moon there. Basically you need to amplify the light a lot and keep the phone as steady as possible so it's not blurry (tripod).

commented on Gasanche's WRUW ·

They might actually meet the standards but I doubt they would spend the money to verify each one.

commented on Gasanche's WRUW ·

I can't imagine anyone would give them a certificate for anything. Except maybe "most scrappiest". 🤣

commented on Gasanche's WRUW ·

You're not in the Vostok camp, are you? Lol. (I guess "best" is the key word here) hehehe

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Route 66 with the 777

Sticking my arm out all cool like, then I realized I had a pretty cool shot lined up.


Waiting for therapy. But who needs it I got watches amirite???

Minor surgery

I've replaced the click spring but it indeed was lack of lubrication that was the issue. All good now with the satisfying smooth clicks. 😍

Tough bezel?

Anyone with an slx007 find the bezel tough to rotate? I got mine used so not sure if it's a bug or a feature. 😉

NOWA (New Old Watch Alert)

I own the 5KX but it's always nagged me that it wasn't the original. So I finally got the OG. 😎

Cartier Fixé?

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79 votes ·

Lorier for sale?

Hi all! Might be selling this bad boy soon to make way for others. Runs great at +4 seconds a day. I have the original flat link bracelet and polywatc...