Just for fun - clocks

Do you like clocks? Or are they redundant in your view.

(Resources are time money space or any limiting factor. No shaming here)

48 votes ·

Need one in the home, especially if you have school going kids.


I have a small collection of 90s woodgrain LED alarm clock radios around the house. One upstairs in the main family room, one down by the tv in our basement entertainment room and another out in my garage. We usually have the radio on upstairs tuned into the classical station. In my garage I like listening to talk radio while I work


Need one in the home, especially if you have school going kids.

There’s clocks in both kids’ rooms, one on the microwave, and one near the garage door. You’re absolutely right about needing them to keep the kids on schedule.


I enjoy the best of both worlds.


Two in the bedroom, one in the bathroom, one in the guest bedroom, one in the lounge, used to have two in the kitchen but they've not been put back since decorating, one Lego clock, one aircraft clock that sits on my desk, one on the outside back wall. I really want one of those old ship's slave clocks for down the side of the house, and a 24hr submarine clock. There's also a wooden put it together yourself clock that I haven't got round to yet.

How many is that... 10, plus two wants and one that I need to make. Mostly they're just quartz. I've probably got enough!


I hate the loud tick of modern quartz clocks. I bought an electric plug in table clock from the 1950s. It’s awesome.

I’d love to pick up a JLC Atmos though.


Two in the bedroom, one in the bathroom, one in the guest bedroom, one in the lounge, used to have two in the kitchen but they've not been put back since decorating, one Lego clock, one aircraft clock that sits on my desk, one on the outside back wall. I really want one of those old ship's slave clocks for down the side of the house, and a 24hr submarine clock. There's also a wooden put it together yourself clock that I haven't got round to yet.

How many is that... 10, plus two wants and one that I need to make. Mostly they're just quartz. I've probably got enough!

I'd like to see your aircraft clock!


I posted some pictures I this post - if you scroll down. For some reason I deleted them from my phone 🤦


I got a clock at home. Idk why with over 30,

Watches in my collection…


I adore the pendulum kitchen clock I inherited. Besides the physical beauty of the case and dial, the constant tick tock, and especially the chiming of the hour, do something magical to the feel of the house. I have a shower clock. At work, I put a small analog travel alarm clock up by the monitor.

I had another family kitchen clock serviced for a family member. If anyone wants to go over there and kick in the door to make sure it is being wound and not just used as a dead, dumb ornament, let me know.


D, but also C... What's the going price for an Atmos these days?