Another Top Tip

BOIL an egg to perfection without using your expensive watches chrono function or stopwatch function by popping the egg into boiling water and driving away from your home at exactly 60 mph. After 3 miles, phone your wife and tell her to take the egg out the pan.


What about the time it takes to reach 60? That would depend on the car.


I can’t believe I read it twice! 😥😁😁


What about the time it takes to reach 60? That would depend on the car.

You must have rally racing experience.

If you have a phone and a wife, couldn't you just time with the phone or have her do the whole thing?

Some buffoon will chime in with a remark about tackymetres. Pretend that the joke is funny.

I generally use the alarm on the ceiling. It beeps and tells me to get back in the kitchen.




Are they driving on the same side of the road?


Now that’s what I call. Hilarious. I had no idea where you were going with this and you said drive only 60 mph, but the punchline came on the left field. I have a feeling I can apply this to more than just boiled eggs. don’t tell my wife.


I don't have a wife and I guarantee this jerk isn't going to do it


For fear of my life, maybe I just drive away from the house and use DoorDash


All the serious watch guys that I know would not joke about boiling a perfect organic free run egg! I hate peeling eggs when the thin membrane is still connected to the egg instead of coming off cleanly with the shell. I also prefer brown shell eggs.


Instructions unclear , now the only thing boiling is the wife out of anger


Seems like the whites will still be a little runny. 😂


I just did it , it f£&kin works! 😂😂😂😂😂👍🏻👍🏻😂👍🏻😂


But what about the toast soldiers? If I want two do I drive twice as far, twice as fast? Tried this with a veliciraptor egg but it had gone off, no breakfast 65million years in the making for me. Back to cornflakes, dammit.


Why did the egg wanted to cross the road?