Longines Heritage Classic

First of all, love this watch, I think it's a brilliant sector dial interpretation, and I've had it on my wishlist since its release... But ! Who else is bothered by that half-hidden 6?! I know some people are bothered by the G crossing the vertical line, which for some reason doesn't bother me at all, but I didn't find any complaints about that 6... Any thoughts?! I'm completely ready to have my mind changed about it!

96 votes ·


Similar without the small seconds covering the 6.


Never bothered me! Still my favorite modern Longines watch and the watch I wear more than any other. I haven’t found a more beautiful sector dial (call me crazy, but I find this way more elegant in design than the JLC Sector.)


I’ll forgive almost anything for small seconds. 😂

It genuinely doesn’t bother me though, my Vario 1918 also has a partially cut off 6 due to the subsidiary seconds.


Doesn't bother me because it winds up leaving the bottom half of the numeral which is essentially a circle and therefore keeping things pretty symmetrical. The cardinal numerals do slightly impact the overall symmetry but to me it's all charming. I have the negative version of this and love it. Pure class in my eyes.


The sub seconds register is a nice feature and totally worth the cut off 6. The line through the G bothers me more.

Baltic gets it.


While I appreciate the way Baltic has their vertical sector line break to allow for text to run horizontally (a nifty and efficient solution, I think), I like the overall look of the Longines more. The 6 doesn't bother me that much. In general, Longines watches look better than Baltic watches (and many others), in my opinion. They have a really solid design aesthetic.



I’d go with this one. Lol


This looks better to me. Numbers should not be cut off. IMO.


Didn't noticed it at first, but now that you mention it... Very annoying... This could have been solved much better.

I like the Heritage Tuxedo 🤩


Less noticable here? But I like it less now. Also it would be wierd if they switched the numeral with a stick marker on this one... But they could have moved the second dial a bit. I'm not getting it so it doesn't really matter 😅



I’d go with this one. Lol

It's a stunner... But the hour hand is too damn long and makes quick time checks impossible. That bothers me infinitely more than a numeral partially obscured by small seconds.


First impression, loved it

until, I looked further , and now I ...yuck , why did they hide the 6 man!!



I’d go with this one. Lol

This is my favourite too, I don’t have a problem instantly distinguishing the hour & minute hand either , to me it’s beautifully balanced and easily read.