Just got in to This Watch, That Watch on YouTube!

Man somehow this guys takes are so engaging and detailed I can’t stop watching. Anyone else subscribe? I like how he can break down value in detail but also say if you like Hublot, then you like Hublot 😂

Really also loved how he described what makes Christopher Ward good at what they do but why they also are still a little bit of marketing magic and how they compete very similarly to Monta and Formex and the like.

Teddy, Max and this guy I think are my YouTube trinity of watch info


He really does market analysis well. There really aren't a lot of others out there doing this, which is what makes him so engaging.


Didn't know about him, thanks for the tip, subscribed! 👍


Give britt Pearce a go AKA #watchgringa and Adrian Barker #barkandjack they are definitely with watching. But there are so many more to watch


Give britt Pearce a go AKA #watchgringa and Adrian Barker #barkandjack they are definitely with watching. But there are so many more to watch

Im subbed to adrian but had to unsub to britt. The immaturity was starting to get to me and i found it annoying-and really i dont know why because i am so immature myself. 🤪


He is on my top list in addition to

- Theo & Harris https://youtube.com/@TheoandHarris?si=rS2uWfLptYy-TLeZ

- Britt Pierce and Adrian Barker as mentioned above

- The Urban Gentry https://youtube.com/@theurbangentry?si=mrttiad1mpvKkMkJ

- The Mad Watch Collector @MWC2020

And, of course, @Max


Yes he’s great. He’s most like IDGuy, but more on the marketing side than the design side. So they make a fine pair. Both chart their own course rather than just covering the details of press releases.


Yes always very good thoughtful content much like Pete Mconvile


Andrew Morgan watches is a good one too, was the face/voice of watchfinder. A good daily podcast is this watch life