What do your open browser tabs say about you?

So I was looking back at my open browser tabs the other day and I realised they were of a theme that I hadn't thought existed. Apparently I'm looking for a green dialed, gmt-ish, diveringlychronographed, microbrand that's based somewhere between Ireland and Korea. Who'da thunk it?

My quest continues....


Uh…furiously clearing browser history


Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Please don't tell my wife.


Er…I was young…and I needed the money….


Get the Traska!


I mean I use "incognito" so...


Hahahahahaha mine look similar 😅👌🏻


Honest live screenshot of my tabs...

Pretty much sums me up 😂


I mean…😅


Good to know I'm not the only one with a bunch of watch tabs at all times👍


Yep just checked mine... 2 watch stores and time.is from when I remembered I forgot to set my watch on the bus!