Seeking colour help

Hi guys

As some of you know I'm in the process of creating some new watches (some to sell, some as family presents) and I came across a strap colour that I really liked but for the life of me I can't seem to find where it comes from. To my 16bit blokes colour eyes it's kind of a frosted greeney greyish type thing... ?

Does anyone have any idea where I can find this strap or something like it? I've done the 60plus pages of Aliexpress and ghod knows how many Etsy pages to no avail. so I'm turning to you, me ould muckers to see if you can help a bloke out!


Not the same style but similar color


Aw nice, that is a good match alright. I think it's kinds Jade in colour (or so my uneducated eye tells me) so the "distressed" part of the leather there is very close indeed. Cheers!