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20 hours ago
New Jersey, USA
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Q: How did you get into watch collecting?

Earliest was 10 years ago collected a few watches Seiko, Skagen, and Momo . Stopped due to other priorities with my kids and then restarted in the last year

Q: What was the first watch you ever owned?

Seiko Chronograph (Quartz), still have it

Q: Do you have a watch with a particularly interesting story behind it?

When my Dad passed I received one of his watches, a Shaq Invicta watch. Not my style of watch (1.78 lbs) and super flashy, but it was sentimental piece. I learned that my Dad received the watch directly from Shaq will delivering a truck to him. Though that was really cool.

Q: What is one piece of advice you have for someone just getting into watches?

Pick what agrees with your style and budget.

Q: What brands have been getting your attention lately?

Certina, Brew and Rolex

Q: What is your grail watch and why?

Rolex Submariner because it is a watch my Dad and brother both have, it would feel like the same connection we have cars.