Do you think the MoonSwatch watches are serious and worth collecting?

124 votes ·

They are Swatches, and people have been collecting Swatches since the brand was introduced...

Why does a watch have to be "serious" to be worth collecting?


While not my cup of tea, absolutely.

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(It's a trap, the answer is yes)

((I actually don't do any of those, but know ppl who do))


It’s a gateway drug. And the business knows how to hook you in (and up)….


I think they are cool if you want a speedy look for a discount. They aren't the best watches in the world but They are cool. Not exactly my style but it's getting a lot of people into the hobby which is always good.


And if I was to collect them I'd probably want them all and spend a Speedmaster's worth on trying to get ever single one. I was never a speedmaster fan so this watch is cool but not for me.


I don’t know what makes a watch “serious.” We all like collecting what we like. If you like Moonswatches, then collect Moonswatches.

And if you can actually keep them from biodegrading and in proper working order, they may actually be collectible in 40-50 years.


The #swatch Mission to Saturn is how I got interested in horology and started collecting. Without it, I'd have a lot more money. 😂

As @KristianG points out, it shouldn't have to be serious to be worth collecting. If anything, it should be fun and enjoyable.


I think you forgot another option? They aren't serious and aren't supposed to be . . . and are worth collecting if you want them as part of your collection. Objectively, they are important in the watch world like it or not . . . yes, we aren't talking about watchmaking or high horology here . . . but we are talking about an important collaboration and, more importantly, a marketing phenomena that got people inside and outside of the watch world talking.


It's subjective. You can collect almost anything.


As others have said, it is entirely subjective what is “worth collecting”. I voted no because I wouldn’t collect them


I have a collection of beaters.. in my collection are 4 Moonswatches, and other beaters that I wouldn’t mind if anything were to happen to them.