Hilarious AI Watch Generation

I asked an AI to generate an image of a “retro digital watch” and the result was pretty weird. Something not quite right here… 😂


The only problem I can see is that he's wearing his watch on the right😂


AI sucks at these images.


Before I realize this was AI I was like “geez I feel bad for this guy, guess he got in a wreck or something.”


Holy shit!! How many fingers does that guy have. I am no joke terrified!


Looks pretty normal for the UK 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Holy shit!! How many fingers does that guy have. I am no joke terrified!

He looks like he's has the correct number of fingers. But he appears to have a thumb and a pointer finger on both sides of his hand. With the super long arm and that hand I bet he can climb a tree good.


The more I see posts like these, the less I fear AI enslaving all of humanity.


Either that or from uninformed (insert word here)


AI robots will kill us all and decorate our corpses with the arms and legs of our friends and neighbors... then post memes of this horror on their own version of social media with the caption: "That time when the humans asked us to do art."


What is it with AI and broken wrists?


Another thing that bothers me. Try holding your hand with the thumb facing down on the opposite side. Once you do that which way is your palm facing. Hint, not toward you. AI is so screwed up.