It's Not You, It's Me... But It's Totally You

New blog post over at Unholiest Watches.


I think most of the watch bloggers start off as enthusiasts, without contemplating that they could turn their enthusiasm into a serious income stream. Even fewer that think it'll be something that can replace their current job.

Once the decision has been made to monetize their blog, their opinion becomes less credible. As you say, crumbs don't feed a family. They're caught between a rock & a hard place. A few softball reviews here & there, what harm will that do? It's a tightrope walk for them & all that it takes is one slip & their reputation is shattered. It takes big cajones to put honesty ahead of paying bills.

On your 2nd point. Forget about the "luxury buying experience" Todd. I've never once bought any of my watches & gone through the kiss @ss sychophancy involved in buying from an authorised dealer. I don't feel like I've missed out 👍


All I can say is trying to keep up with Jones can break you. Owning a luxury watch doesn't show success. People use cars, jewelry or other items to show a perceived social status. It doesn't show how well you have prepared for retirement. With that said I can buy a Rolex or 2 now being retired. Now there isn't that need to impress anyone but myself. So I have no need now to own one. I appreciate them for what they are and what it represents.

So in my 50 years or so of loving watches I have evolved past that need and have fun with lesser known brands that that now are gratifying.

I do understand how you feel and where you're at in life.

True success is how you finish a career and retire to enjoying life with wealth... (your level of comfort) to do so.

Just an old man rambling my friend. Just my view looking through my lenses.

Enjoy your watches!



Wow...I get it. The "Luxury experience" you mention..that doesnt seem to work for me. My AD just sends them to me..LOL As far as "making it" I truly do not believe that 99% of the people on the street dont give a hoot what watch we are wearing.. I do it for myself..Buy what you like and enjoy the hobby..JMO


Well said Todd! I really enjoyed reading that. I hear you on having that AD experience and honesty the only thing that drove me to start shopping at mine was a couple of horrible experiences with Jomashop. I think that broad arrow Speedy you have your eye on is absolutely fantastic. I hope you don’t get discouraged in your watch hunt. Really enjoy our interactions on here 👊🏻👊🏻


Todd, this is a great article about chasing the dream and endless consumerism. I just passed my 1 year anniversary on Crunch so I’m a bit behind you, but have some of the same thoughts. I recently acquired my Seamaster AT used though, and the experience pretty magical. I got it from Tokyo for a very affordable price and just took a peek at new Speedys (also another dream watch for me) so it might be something to consider. Fly over to Tokyo, enjoy great exchange rates, and tax free watch shopping. This is where I got my watches.


Ahh the bloggers they start off small, get an audience usually because they are good an enthusiastic and then the "paid promotion" starts. I am not knocking them, but that is usually where I stop watching. By now they have 200k subs and don't care if I watch or not.

The luxury watch is different things for different people (and incomes). I have one, it took me years to save for, it's lovely and I wear it about 3 times a year to weddings, funerals and posh nights out, for a birthday meal etc. Would I buy it again, not for me nope. As an older fella you realise priorities change. If I had tons of cash I might buy more, but I don't think I would. I get more enjoyment from my Casio EFV100 (and similar) lately. I see lots of expensive luxury watches on WC, all brilliant but I also see lots of affordable ones with interesting straps etc and to me, I get more enjoyment by those lately. But watches are a journey, I might feel differently in the future. What does get me excited in the watch world is that the quality of affordable is improving all the time, as is design etc. Some companies start by doing homage and then doing their own stuff and this is good for the watch world.


Good read!


Back in another life about 22 years ago, I ran a food/restaurant critic blog. I eventually killed it because I realized I was becoming untrue to myself since the need to make money was real and it was compromising my reviews. I learned that one wants to advertise with you if you speak bad about them and those that do expect you to say only good things. But during it's short run, I did enjoy some of the perks of free fancy dinners and gifts. Now, I just enjoy being the consumer of things and look at all of the new reviews of anything without taking them seriously as I understand the struggle and hustle.

As far as chasing luxury, I gave up on that a while back. I got tired of waking up and being disappointed about not being able to afford the "really good stuff". If for some miraculous way I become super successful, then I'll consider chasing it again but now I'm just enjoying the things that are within my reach. Life is too short to live in constant disappointment and going in debt for superficial things is never an option for me. Not because I can't. It's just a matter of personal principle.


Good read!

Thank you, good sir!


Back in another life about 22 years ago, I ran a food/restaurant critic blog. I eventually killed it because I realized I was becoming untrue to myself since the need to make money was real and it was compromising my reviews. I learned that one wants to advertise with you if you speak bad about them and those that do expect you to say only good things. But during it's short run, I did enjoy some of the perks of free fancy dinners and gifts. Now, I just enjoy being the consumer of things and look at all of the new reviews of anything without taking them seriously as I understand the struggle and hustle.

As far as chasing luxury, I gave up on that a while back. I got tired of waking up and being disappointed about not being able to afford the "really good stuff". If for some miraculous way I become super successful, then I'll consider chasing it again but now I'm just enjoying the things that are within my reach. Life is too short to live in constant disappointment and going in debt for superficial things is never an option for me. Not because I can't. It's just a matter of personal principle.

Life is too short to live in constant disappointment and going in debt for superficial things is never an option for me. Not because I can't. It's just a matter of personal principle.

This is where I'm trying to get to.


The broad arrow is a great reference, go for it!


See my response on the blog post.

Great write-up