Who struggles NOT to buy a watch each month? 🤣

I realised that I bought a watch each month of last year, this year I made it through January without buying one.

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It could be it’s not watches you enjoy, but the dopamine hit of buying things.


I held out for like 8 months or so after my last purchase, but I got blindsided a few days ago by a 50% off sale on a watch I was really interested in. It's not my fault.


luckily I know what I really want to get my collection started and I set away all that is left every month after the recurring costs (rent, food, insurrance etc.) and the occasional date nights and going out with friends. So budget is slowly growing, which gives me enough time to try the watches on and watch an endlessly amount of YT videos on it haha


Each month? More like every day


I've been struggling to and not to buy a watch lol, part of me is like "I want a new watch" and before I could pull the trigger I'm like "nah better wait for something better, I need to make it count". While all of this is happening I'm trying to go the milestone route where a watch is a reward for accomplishing something 🥲

In my defense though, I am actually doing quite okay despite waiting for two watches (a commission from a watch modder and a preorder that will be here by the end of March) to come along. My last purchase was near the end of December


It's so easy. Just go look at the watches already owned and remember that some haven't been worn or even seen in weeks. I also don't suffer from spendaholism.


I currently have very little on my wishlist so I'm spreading it out this year, hopefully one in June and one at the end of the year. Both are inexpensive so we'll see how my willpower holds!


It's so easy. Just go look at the watches already owned and remember that some haven't been worn or even seen in weeks. I also don't suffer from spendaholism.


I haven’t purchased a watch since April 2023. Have been tempted, but realize I don’t wear my watches as often as I think.


I’m the opposite. I went all of 2023 without a watch purchase but bought one in January. I think I’m likely to stick to one watch purchase a year from here on out. It is controlling my strap buying that is more of a problem


The problem is that watches don't take up much space, so I can hoard even more of them. I struggle with the addiction by the minute, not even by the hour, day, week, or month. I'm full of complications. LOL


Used to be me but I'm doing better. I even sold one recently to a fellow Cruncher.


It's only a struggle if you say you're not going to.


Bought one on Jan 11. Was waiting month to change and bought another one on Feb 2.

But I promised my wife this is the last.... This month.


It could be it’s not watches you enjoy, but the dopamine hit of buying things.

I think i’ve been coming to accept this somewhat. But i do also want many watches so it could be a combination of the two. That and the monkey part of our brain that wants us to be squirrels. To counteract this, I try to regularly give my lust list a hard look—at least once a week—and trim or purge as many as i can. I also try to give each purchase a lot of thought for a good while so that I’m not just impulse buying. But tbh i haven’t been the most responsible and so will be trying to correct for that


Don't shame me... I'd respond the same with the word "week" in the question.