Your ideal GADA watch dial layout is....

Ignore brands and models completely, just focus on the dial layout
189 votes ·


B & D are pretty close but definitely favor B

Asymmetrical C is a distant 4th...


I think the numerals are a bit too "sporty" for a GADA watch, indexes help the watch fit in on dressier occasions.

Also, a date is a must for me when it comes to a GADA watch.


I voted all indices, but honestly I feel like case and bracelet designs are more important than the dial layout for a GADA watch.


Tough one to choose tbh! Interesting to see how this poll turns out to be! (:


E - Any dial layout is fine for a GADA.




How about 1-12.


3-6-9 or all indices. For some reason the other options just don’t look great to me.


Distinct lack of evens, or all numerals… vintage heads cannot play your game.


I love the Ranger just wish the indexes were applied.