Strap or bracelet in Fall/Winter?

It's getting colder again. What's your strap of choise in the colder months?

I'm a bracelet guy at heart, but in the cozy sessions I am open to try some other options.

135 votes ·

Surprised that bracelet is winning 🥶

Metal in summer, NATO or Sailcloth in winter for me 👍


It's never been clear to me what strap is supposed to be worn in what season. In any event, I live in a temperate climate and am an 'all of the above' guy regardless of season.


Except sweat-hating leather, they are all-year wearable. It's true that metals conduct heat better than the others, but the watch is usually on the wrist, which is usually in the warmth of the sleeve/glove/pocket.




I find that bracelets slide under the cuff of a sweater or half zip (jumper to you Brits?) better than a nato and its fold-under tail.


Whatever takes my fancy


Depends on the watch and the occasion.


Leather or bracelet. NATO only in summer. Rubber depends on the watch.


Leather? I usually go for a NATO or Bracelet.


For me .... leather. Very Autumnal and super comfortable


Bracelet 100% of the time for every season 🥃


For the look, leather are my favorite straps but leather and sweaty hot weather don't mix. So the leather straps come out in full force in the Fall and Winter.


All of them during the winter months; variety is the spice of life!