Small quite budget watch collection

Just got a Seiko 5, looks amazing imo.

I know I’m missing a dress watch, but I never wear suits, so it’s a bit pointless.


Your own you way my friend. Great start to your collection here. Take you time adding to it. At least that my two sense anyway. The orient gives a dress vibe btw and you definitely don’t have to get another one if it’s not you style. Don’t do it just to fit the quota if you know what I mean.


I like the collection. You could always get some straps to see how it changes the feel of the watches.


Your own you way my friend. Great start to your collection here. Take you time adding to it. At least that my two sense anyway. The orient gives a dress vibe btw and you definitely don’t have to get another one if it’s not you style. Don’t do it just to fit the quota if you know what I mean.

Orient can be dressed up, you’re right. I even have a leather strap for it. But it’s a bit big for a suit (40mm), more business casual or mb something like a blue suit.

Looks great with chinos and a shirt or even jeans and polo / sweater


Orient can be dressed up, you’re right. I even have a leather strap for it. But it’s a bit big for a suit (40mm), more business casual or mb something like a blue suit.

Looks great with chinos and a shirt or even jeans and polo / sweater

I gotcha. 👍🏾


Nice collection basic and simple keep it that way. Who needs a dress watch. 😹


I don’t really do dress watches either for the same reason.

If - down the road - you pick up the odd vintage watch then their dimensions tend to be smaller and they do nicely in place of a dress watch.

Definitely not suggesting you rush towards vintage watches as they can be a minefield but over time you may get there and personally I would rather have a cherished vintage watch (e.g. the one below which can easily be dressier with a strap change) than a pointless (for me) dress watch.


That #seiko gives a nice addition of color to your collection


I don’t really do dress watches either for the same reason.

If - down the road - you pick up the odd vintage watch then their dimensions tend to be smaller and they do nicely in place of a dress watch.

Definitely not suggesting you rush towards vintage watches as they can be a minefield but over time you may get there and personally I would rather have a cherished vintage watch (e.g. the one below which can easily be dressier with a strap change) than a pointless (for me) dress watch.


I really want some vintage watches, but where I live there is no market for them it seems, they are like 2x more expensive than everywhere else. One day though for sure 😉

Btw, beautiful watch