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2 months ago
Denver, CO
Desk Mechanic
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NWA Phoibos Eagle Ray GMT

Sooo I was never much of an impulse buyer, always did reasearch then couple of months or more of justifying to myself wether I really need it or not,...

Recent Comments

commented on Is it time? AKA, when do you decide it's finally time to call it quits? ·

I’ve only sold one watch.

1. I’ve noticed I always skip it when it comes time to pick the watch for the day

2. It was something I actually bought and not a gift

commented on E-Bike Crash!!! ·

“Ride responsibly” 😂😂😂 glad you’re ok

I once stood up too fast and pretty much blacked out, I was wearing one of my Seikos and it was blood and scrapes everywhere except the watch! 😂 my subconscious must have took over and decided I wouldn’t cry over my phone which was also in my left hand

commented on What would be your ultimate watch if there was a Zombie apocalypse? I posted mine. We can have a civilized dialogue. ·

Do we have to actually own the watch?

If yes, I would have to go with my Casio GW-M5610, hopefully Atomic clocks are automated so it’ll always be accurate, the battery has a save mode and can last 10 months in complete dark. My reasoning to go against Automatics is the lume needs to be charged. What if you can only move in the dark and/or stuck in the dark basement for days?

If not, I’d wear a Richard Mille just so when I become I zombie, I’ll be the fanciest zombie

commented on What would be your ultimate watch if there was a Zombie apocalypse? I posted mine. We can have a civilized dialogue. ·

But this one is not a solar, what if the battery dies and you don’t know what time it is! Like maybe zombies have 4:30 seize fire

commented on Limited edition watches what’s people’s thoughts on them? ·

I have one limited edition Seiko turtle that was gifted to me and I really want to swap out the minute hand with orange (on a blue dial) but the limitedness kinda makes me want to keep it as is. So when it comes to Seikos and if you want to dip your toes in modding I guess that’s a no? At least for me

Edited: spellcheck

commented on Citizen automatic ·

I bought orange hands just so I can swap the original minute hand on my Seiko Turtle with an orange one! 😂

commented on JDM choices? ·

Can we pin this?

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Grail in trouble

So ever since I’ve seen Omega Speedmaster I’ve made it my “have to have it” one day watch and that was it, never did any research, figuring when the t...