Pope tier

My fiancé thinks I’ve finally lost my mind


I want it. Where'd you get it?


Married to the game!


She's right!!

Maybe… but that is cute lol 😆


She may be right. Not that that's a bad thing....


I like that it's a matching pair! She should be proud of you.


No time to synchronize? Or is a 2nd time zone?😜


I agree with your fiance 😂


Well mate… I hate to say it, but she might be right this time. 😵‍💫


We'll, she's not wrong.

But I do love the dedication.


One for every finger like a real tough guy.


I'd still want to check the time when my wristwatch sleeps under the cuff. The finger watch is the perfect solution for a perfectly sound minded gentleman.


I see you got the second time zone goin on. Good choice.


Would have been awesome to have a working watch


she’s not wrong but you’re complaining to the wrong voices !


Cool, better than two wristing, does the ring work?


No. A ten finger world timer might be a bit much but that GMT version is fine IMO.


Cool, better than two wristing, does the ring work?

Alas no