Hi everybody!

Apparently I collect watches, I didn't figure it out until I found out some folks only need one. My biggest flaw is pulling the trigger when I am saving for something else and then getting buyer regret. However, I flip nothing!!

No matter how bad the timekeeping is!

Glad to meet you all!


Welcome to WatchCrunch!


You’ll do perfectly. Welcome to WC!


Welcome sir! Love the Vostok! 😎


Welcome sir! Love the Vostok! 😎

Thank you, it is massive, so only gets wrist-time at home 😢


Hmmmm? Massive?? Most Vostoks run a 'l'il smaller (38-40mm) ... I have two and that's about what they are and don't find that they wear large (and I have a skinny wrist too) ...



I have a few Russian watches myself, a Sturmanskie, Vostok and Molnija. Welcome! 🤝


Classic watch, nothing says you're into watches like a Vostok.




Welcome to the Crunch! The first step is admitting you have a problem, lol!


We are all facing the same problem one day 😁 but WC is some kind of therapy. Everything is going to be alright 😅 At least, that's what I'm telling myself everyday


Welcome. I think many of us are just like you when it comes to spending while saving🤣


Thanks for all the greetings, it’s great to be here, and thanks for the nice comments on my Amphibia 👍




Hell of a watch!


Looks like you’re never gonna get your grail watch




