Leather or Mesh? what does it look better on?

I just got this 1973 Seiko Batman, the chances of me finding the original bracelet in a decent condition are slim as they have folded connecting links. the ones I have seen so far are a real mess. it came on the burgundy leather, which is a good colour match, but the mesh is probably more era accurate & Seiko branded
86 votes ·

Dude! Leather all the way!!


Why the need to choose? Do leather in colder weather and mesh when it gets warm


Leather baby, Leather (especially that beautiful burgundy!)❤️🤙🎯


Dude! Leather all the way!!


oh cheeky


I think both look fantastic, honestly.


Do both, rock the styles ( both look awesome)


Dude! Leather all the way!!


Point of order your honour, but I believe that’s rubber. Totally different strap option… 😆


Point of order your honour, but I believe that’s rubber. Totally different strap option… 😆

Objection! I was referring to the whip your honour! 😂


I think the leather gives a coherent theme. But you can easily switch them as you like.🗿