The problem with the 5th

It's purely personal but I always had a problem with the 05/05 date, and it's a recurring issue that keeps returning every year like a bad check.

It's also unsolvable.


The root cause is quite easy to find and it's even printed on various official documents: It's my birthday.

The problem itself is not that I was born, although a number of people were kind enough to disagree with me on this, but that I can't remember birthdays. I can't remember those of my parents, I have a vague idea that my brother was born in the summer, or maybe it was my sister? Anyway, every year I get a reminder that today is supposed to be special, or at least it's supposed to be special enough for me that I have to wear something festive or unusual.


And now I have to find quickly something that will prove that I also think that it's a special day and I don't like to be rushed.


Lucky for me there's the Dietrich SD-1. There's nothing like it, it looks and feels premium enough, and it also happen to match what I'm wearing today.


Now I can sit down and enjoy my coffee since I managed to avert this crisis. Until 05.05.2025 that is.


Ahaha happy B day (or not) 🍺

I’m also with ya on the universe insisting that there is one day of the year I’m supposed to feel special. Pfft, I feel “special” every day 🤪


Happy birthday! That Dietrich is so different than most watches. It just looks cool.


Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎊


Happy Birthday


I hope you many more birth anniversaries 😆


Im not real big on my birthday either. Glad you worked it out. Now onwards.


Have a great birthday!


I don't think I understand what you wrote, but happy birthday!


… Happy… birthday? I think?


This would have been my mom's 76th birthday, she passed only 3 years ago now and today is a very difficult day still. Someone someday will fondly remember this day for you even if you don't know it. 🎂🎂🎂


Happy birthday 🎂🎉🎈


Happy Birthday!